Posted Thursday 8th March 2012 06:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/03/07/the_new_ipad/
….. in reply to R 11 who Posted Wednesday 7th March 2012 20:56 GMT


Does your tablet beat the iPad for Apps?

Let’s face it, you can’t win on technology alone. If Apple can make a lower specced device that still offers a better experience, Android will still fail to capture market share.

Super Joint Apps in SurReal World Orders ….. Courtesy of the Learned Establishment
R 11, Hi,
The Magic Trick Apple and Android must learn and energise is Automatic Systems Support for Parallel Private and EMPiratical Communicating Platforms ….. Networking AI Plan Phormations
Or Be Prepared to Accept IT is HyperRadioProActively Provided, and in Real Beta Great Game ARG Plays Deliver … well, Current Catastrophic Present RePlacement of Old Master Plans with Virtual Pilot Flight Control …. a Heavenly Deep Underground Upgrade for Astutely Aware Zeroday Traders/Grand Masters of Future Zens’ Paths.
Posted by amanfromMars on 03/08/12 02:08 AM …. on http://thedailybell.com/3676/ECB-Blows-Up-Europe-Creates-Super-Immune-Elite-Bonds-Throws-Credit-Market-into-Disarray

“tales told” —

Please blame no one. Invincible. …. Posted by 4irw4y on 03/07/12 01:35 PM

Share blame out equally to all and personal responsibility for failing is limited allowing opportunity for systems repair at failing levels, is another path, 4irw4y
amanfromMars on March 8, 2012 at 2:59 am said: … on http://heddinout.com/?p=6499

I hope he didn’t over-fish. I’ll have to talk to him about IT tomorrow.

Methinks that was more a pleasant and controlled spawning session, Sternum. As a stock item, are they always a firm favourite attraction for fertile virgin immaculate open source ideas and satisfying insatiable desires.
amanfromMars ….. on http://heddinout.com/?p=6478
on March 7, 2012 at 1:54 pm said:
Thanks for the heads up, Lucy. Have a nice one and come back rejuvenated.

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