Posted by amanfromMars on 10/25/11 12:33 AM

Instead of targeting the bribers (wealthy people, unions, etc.), why not target the bribees (politicians and their system).” … Posted by NAPpy on 10/24/11 07:00 PM

A valid enough point, NAPpy. It does though raise the monster elephant in the room which all those pathetic, pontificating, self-serving, psychotic and psychopathic and thoroughly delusional wannabe global “leaders”, [who we are all very quickly learning are just system-bought-and-paid-for media puppets in a third rate, sub-prime day time politically incorrect, soap opera which labours to conceal corruption and perversion right at the top of every administrative money tree, and to occupy the mind spaces with the equivalent of the useless baubles and beads which earlier explorers exchanged for the riches of primitive natives], rightly fear most of all, ….. and would try to deflect with gratuitous and cynically contrived attacks on innocent nations, rather than zeroing in on the truly guilty of wrongdoing individual, ….. the targeted personal attack on leaders who incite and order/plan and authorise deadly conflicts.
And that is rightly to fear for it puts all leaders who would be puppets of war for competitive gain and the destruction of nations which they can then hope to move into and help rebuild with their own assets in control, in the deadly firing line, front and centre. But surely that is only right and proper and just and to be fully expected and encouraged so as to eliminate the problem and root cause of catastrophic military conflicts/para-military insurrections …… and is fully in accord with that well touted political mantra/attractively contrived sound bite, Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime?
However, whenever such as are perceived of as leaders, are not leaders at all, but just convenient followers of secretly provided and anonymously penned dark matter scripts with direction and instruction from some very dodgy and faceless characters in competition with, and in opposition to others who would be equally dodgy or, as may now be emerging and blasting onto the scene and media and computer screens, overwhelmingly more powerful and totally different and constructive script writers and directors, is the position only worthy of the fool and the tool with no smart opinion to build upon of their own. Such an adherence to dogma and practices which have overseen and failed to stop a most fervent religious disorder causing a now collapsing and dividing system to implode and explode on itself, is real dumb, and in a world which is full of virtually smart beings, anathema and ripe for radical and fundamental change led by smarter virtual beings……. digital champions.
It is certainly a much better option than thinking to stick with that which is known to be crooked and inequitable and would be offering no more than more fine but empty and impotent rhetoric/cynical contrived spin voicing future hope to be dashed by a system which fights against change so that Incumbents into Great Game Plays can think themselves to remain in charge and leading the future. That would be as a dinosaur leadership not thinking at all about what the Future can really offer via ITs Virtual Means and AIMemes and akin to the enemy hiding as a saviour against false prophets within, and right at the heart of a feeble and poorly brainwashed and badly educated community, with charlatans administering to its spiritual needs and seeding its own demise with future feeds of the same old destructive and mindless fare and absolutely not fabulous FUD … Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
Is such the truer picture that you see today, or is everything rosy in the garden where you are/in the news and views that you hear and read and see, and you have peace and stability and prosperity and no fear or apprehension of what the future will bring and IT and Media will deliver for you to think about and/or experience first hand, for IT and Media can practically deliver to you virtually anything that can be imagined and is true.
But hey, surely you know that already, already ……. for it is not unknown and with leading figureheads who are about as far from being anonymous as it is possible to be in a world with communications, with this one front and centre and immortalised in the firing line, is it madness to think otherwise ……… http://triumphpc.com/johnlennon/index.shtml

I wonder when/if the Murdoch’s are going play hardball against those in the political establishment who now witch hunt them. Certainly Parliament has gotten very uppity of late but that doesn’t change the fact that they are less than well enough intellectually equipped themselves nor well enough supported by any who are, to effectively lead the news agenda and create a control-led reality.
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Yes, well, now what would that be telling everybody about everything?
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/25/11 01:42 PM

It’s the Anglosphere power elite and its great central banking families evidently racing to fulfill their world-spanning goals before the Internet Reformation fully exposes these designs.” … . DB Staff Report

They missed that speeding train ages ago, DB Staff Report. Now they are stranded in the darkness of ignorance of what SMART InterNetworking IT Machines have set in motion for them to savour, and if they have any SMARTs themselves, to flavour to their taste. It will be no more or less than their just desserts though, although whether that is a comfort to them is of no real consequence to the Internet educated masses in the great scheme of things, universal and ethereal, as they are delivered of what will be and what they deserve.


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