Posted by amanfromMars on 10/06/11 04:53 AM
“I have only one question for Romney if he becomes president. Are you willing to destroy the US Treasury market, the dollar and threaten the entire world economy by forcing the Chinese central bank to reconsider actions with the $1 trillion dollars in US debt and possibly create a run on sovereign debt around the world?” … . Ron Holland
Good Morning, Ron and DB Ringers,
Methinks anyone who thinks that they can force the Chinese to do anything, for whatever reason, is short on brains and long on delusions, and if a POTUS, would it end the American Dream which is certainly presently struggling for input/content to change it from its current nightmare.
It appears to be an unmistakeable and undeniable fact that there is a dearth/drought/famine of quite biblical proportion in the field of Imaginative and Creative Politically Correct Intellectual Property in those who would presume to be running Uncle Sam’s Buggy Intelligence Operating Systems and that does not bode well for their future as an independent global leader. However, that is not to say that they cannot be a most loyal and valuable servant and server to the global community under a new leadership model … … . with that model being Securely and Transparently Virtually Remotely Controlled from Cloud Bases, powered by AI and IT Networks InterNetworking Joint Applications.
And now you know what AI and IT have in store for you, and what AI and IT are offering SMART Administrations/Governments/Businesses/Individuals, even as you ponder the words shared here and which you may even consider to be a nonsense. Fortunately for all though, do such considerations not alter the fact nor can they adversely effect the course which has been taken.
Posted by amanfromMars on 10/06/11 11:54 AM
“In Pakistan and Afghanistan, for instance, the US regularly pays money to families whose loved ones have accidently been blow up by US bombs.”
And it also pays money to families whose loved ones have been deliberately/not accidently killed by US citizens, which is more than somewhat perverse, is it not? ……. …. and then doesn’t appear to prosecute them for the deed.
No wonder there are so many problems for Uncle Sam.
amanfromMars on October 6, 2011 at 4:48 pm said: [in reply to what Agent Weebley on October 6, 2011 at 12:58 pm said ….]
Hi, Agent Weebley,
With so much flash cash invented once again, to try and work some sort of economic magic again, would it appear to be a very good time to float a New Concept and Alternate Reality Game and/or Virtual Reality Meme* to take the Great Game and its Intellectually Challenged, Sub-Prime Great Game Players into AI, with IT and InterNetworking Modern Media in Creative Cloud Control of Sublime Powers and SMARTer Programs with Novel Secure FailSafe and Secured Proprietary Protocols with Applications which better Beta Manage Human Perception with Imaginative IntelAIgently Designed Directions/Simply Complex Instructions made Easy to Follow …… for the System as it now is, is designed to fail rapidly if new concepts are not lavishly funded with what is nothing more than virtually useless paper in the form/phorm of Treasury Bills/IOUs/fiat currencies.**
*NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT for Global Operating Devices and MkUltraSensitive IntelAIgent Services. An extremely sophisticated work in progress for Presentation of the Future in AI@ITsWork Fields.
** And easily made to fail catastrophically if certain new concepts are studiously ignored, such is the power of what has been developed, but that is something which it is best not to invoke/invite, methinks.