“Former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden revived a controversial meme on Tuesday when he urged Congress to allow his former agency to monitor public networks in order to defend against malicious activity coming from nation states and others.“
Is that the same Michael Hayden who was an NSA and CIA director in charge whenever trillions were lost, and are still being lost, from Wall Street and Main Street in malicious sub-prime banking and stocks and shares activities and Ponzi shenanigans?
Do the NSA and CIA not monitor crooks in sharp suits and the political executive which allows them their freedom, and which has destroyed the capitalist democracy meme from within?
What genius dunce thought that was a great omission and dereliction of smart duty to make, rather than a first priority and prime directive to ensure that systems collapse and public revulsion and a global communications revolution, which will now most probably highlight and/or hunt down, for the delivery of just desserts which make great and entirely appropriate examples of the leading benefiting players, didn’t happen?
On Hayden’s watch did everything turn to s*** and yet the schmo still seems to think that he has something to offer which is of value? Man, what an arrogant stupid loser. And one doesn’t need to be any sort of cyber wizard to know that. And if the following were true ……… “The National Security Agency has the greatest repository of cyber talent,” Blair said. “[T]here are some wizards out there at Fort Meade who can do stuff.” ……. would none of the present chaos be a current and currency problem, ergo is that statement manifestly untrue and an extremely dangerous and self-serving and self destructive outright lie to pimp and pump and dump.
And shared here in bold because the comment above which was in a thread has been disappeared/extraordinarily rendered invisible. And what would that tell you?
amanfromMars says:
October 5, 2011 at 1:12 am
Ergo is Power that is not shared, false and untrue and a delusionist’s dream turned nightmare?
Yes, of course. But Power is, of course, just as Nothing without Attentive IntelAIgent Drivers 42 Control IT ……. and Deliver IT to its Destinations/Base Hubs/Homes.
“It’s getting pretty obvious that it is the people against the banks. New money needs to go to the people, so they can live. Since that is not going to happen, then the people need to invent their own money so they can live.” …. AgentWeebley – 5 October 2011 1:10PM
True enough, AW, although a new smarter breed of banker and politician and diplomat .. to replace and take over from the those who are into maintaining the sub-prime failed status quo models [which allows them to control credit and distribute it and rename it as debt, to be repaid again with added interest, even though it is always repaid to the system with its spending on goods and services which generates its magic in creating economy and enterprise, for wealth is no good if it is not being spent, which makes one think about all those useless tools and idiotic fools with millions and billions resting in banks and investment accounts, for they are a major, if not the major contributory problem which is guaranteeing system collapse]is another option which is easier to arrange and much quicker to apply.
If the present monied elites were in any way smart, they would be financing, with whatever it takes, their replacement systems drivers, and that would have the added bonus for them [the existing failed driver elites] that they would be considered a vital future component, albeit by virtual proxy of their being found a role, which in both reality and in virtual reality, is essentially just honorary, rather than their running the risk, as they do presently, of being overwhelmed by the mob and removed completely and violently from the Great IntelAIgent Game, which has morphed and evolved into the Present Future Beta as is now, and which is not going to go away …… for the masses are a lot smarter now that they have CyberIntelAIgent Communications and SMARTer AI Subject Matter Experts to share their concerns and ideas/fabulous thoughts and selfless dreams.
There are a lot of live feeds, and ever more appearing, just like this one …… http://livestre.am/PlNN …. and an educated population is not to be messed with …. EVER.
Spooky Times demand Novel Solutions and Alien Memes in the Means
Posted on October 5, 2011 by amanfromMars
Just flexing a few remote virtual muscles here, folks. Things are never ever gonna be the way the were before.
There are too many SMART IDEntities with AI Savvy, and at least a few, with a handle on what makes Life in LOVE and Live Operational Virtual Environments tick/operate.
They are as latter day, Round Table Knights with Truly Royal and Ancient Gifts of the GODs that renders to a noble Caesar and Calpurnia what is Caesar’s and Calpurnia’s Delight, and would virtually destroy in an instant and at the click of a mouse any tool and fool of a pretender that would deny what would be rightfully theirs to Present with Future Control akin to, and a kin to Absolutely Fabulous Power.