amanfromMars says:
September 21, 2011 at 11:41 pm
I’ll see your Magic Carpet Ride and raise a Question of Balance to Fatten the Pot and make things Engaging …….. Quantum Entangled. 🙂
Nobody knocking on your door yet, AW? No detention at a border crossing to find out what exactly is going on because IT is entered and brings cleansing sunlight and regenerative fire into spooky territory and socio-political program control groups? And that is the least of what is achieved and readily available.
I suppose with so many finding that just too fantastic to believe, is travel only compromised by arrangement of agreeable appointments.

amanfromMars says:
September 21, 2011 at 11:46 pm

Oops … I did mean to leave http://youtu.be/XCjDLaQxyq8 after Quantum Entangled

Sometimes I just race way ahead of myself … but it’s only a case of returning to set things right if wronged or wrong.

What stock markets hate … a high roller they have no information on because of NSL
Posted Thursday 22nd September 2011 12:05 GMT

 “it is usually only worth doing if one can be sure that nobody will be sure who did it (or even sure that any action took place, perhaps).

Ideally is it so…. and most probably certainly is somewhere for someone.:-) Spying and nobbling satellites has moved on leaps and bounds in the very recent past and shows no signs of abating.
In fact, it is an extremely lucrative and sophisticated business.

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