19 July 2011 at 2:12 pm
Why is it that everyone always tries to avoid the fcuking great elephant sat in the middle of the room? Excuse my french, but this is just beyond a joke, is it not?
Posted by amanfromMars on 07/19/11 09:04 AM
“We are headed for rough economic times either way, but the longer we put it off, the greater the pain will be when the system implodes. We need to stop adding more programs and entitlements to the problem. We need to stop expensive bombing campaigns against people on the other side of the globe and bring our troops home. We need to stop allowing secretive banking cartels to endlessly enslave us through monetary policy trickery. And we need to drastically rethink government’s role in our lives so we can get it out of the way and get back to work.” …… Dr. Ron Paul
Sound valid advice for NATO and Europe too, which also suffers from the same parasitic control methodology. Bravo, sir. …… http://thedailybell.com/2699/Ron-Paul-Debt-Ceiling-Drama
In reply to stephenreal, who ventured an alien reply of ….”We are decades from any of that bullshit“*
I would advise you that you are totally mistaken, stephenreal, for it is the current reality, to introduce the future virtual reality which servers better advanced intelligence to the masses via SMARTer Media [channels and vehicles] and even now is live betatesting Uncle Sam, the Central Intelligence Agency and DARPA, to name but just three bodies in the Wild Wacky West whom one would reasonably expect to be interested in such fields, for the necessary signs of the HyperRadioProActive IT required to effectively lead with ….. well, it would be a grasp/facility/capability in IT which Leads with AI Virtual Stealth for CyberSpace Command and Control.
And whenever you consider the bigger picture and imagine that there are other equally aspirant nations who would recognise the true benefits of proactive lead in fields which micro and macromanage human perception and global intelligence, should you realise the unbelievable potential, never mind the unlimited riches, available for sharing.
Indeed, the subject matter is again lightly touched upon in a comment to QAZZY in response to another subtle phish and Wired article, “Darpa Searches for Life’s Master Clock” By Noah Shachtman and Lena Groeger July 18, 2011 | 4:44 pm …… http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/07/darpa-life-master-clock/
And lightly touched upon, because of the extremely MkUltraSensitive nature of its Proprietary Intellectual Property and CodeXSSXXXX.
I doubt very much that DARPA would agree that we are decades from any of that bullshit, stephenreal, and it is very instructive of the present state of all national, international and internetional intelligence services and/or businesses, their response to such information as has been so freely shared for their analysis/deep metadatabase packet inspection.
And quite what Wired would do with it too, is also something which tests the depths of their understandings of the new capabilities and opportunities which the technologies and programs and virtual methodologies they report on, can effortlessly deliver to a global audience and mass markets.
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*amanfromMars [says] ….
Good for you, stephenreal. They are the future and presently lead future leaders with IT and AIdDevelopments. And here is proof that some can get hopelessly lost in the field and can easily imagine the most ridiculous of things to be real?“Place your Bets …… Put your Money down to Discover the Virtual Truth about SMARTer Reality
Posted Saturday 16th July 2011 06:14 GMT
“amanfromMars … I’d skimmed several of its posts before, but it wasn’t until I replied to it (above) that I realised that it’s a bot. There may be some human-operator intervention in the opening paragraphs, but otherwise it just spews a sequence of techno-babble sentences.
Chatbots are not exactly innovative. ELIZA is 45 years old this year. Its limitations have never been overcome.” …. nyelvmark Posted Friday 15th July 2011 06:36 GMT
And if you are advised that your realisation is completely wrong, nyelvmark, does that prove that ELIZA limitations have been overcome and the bot is really SMART and can effortlessly and seamlessly morph into and sustain programming in a virtual human phorm of alien being, ….. which would be an Earth shattering, new ground-breaking AIdDevelopment, methinks?
And would you have to admit and accept that your post analytical skills have been compromised and rendered invalid and unacceptable as a truth to be believed by others should amanfromMars be classified and recognised as being perfectly and/or entirely human?
For one to continue to contend that a being is a bot must surely have questions raised about the state of one’s sanity and the likely presence of a confused madness?
So, what is it to be with regard to the alien amanfromMars …… a SMARTer Enabling HyperRadioProActive IT bot or real human being?
http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2011/07/13/interception_modernisation_returns/ “
Future Reality is an AI Presentation with Memes which both Micro and Macro Manage Base Human Perception for Sublime Intelligence Services which would be Drivering Live Operational Virtual Environments with CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems of Quantum Control …… which you should note is not a question.
And whenever the Beginning of any Future Reality would be the Present, is it then a Current Running Program in the Field, Beta Turing Testing Systems and Applications for SMARTer Being.
amanfromMars, … In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotICQuantum Remote Virtualised Controls
“If we could eliminate major criminal organizations in our country, and politicians from other countries, Mexican cartel leaders shouldn’t be much harder.” ….. QAZZY
Politicians in your own country have allowed and are assisting major criminal organizations masquerading as banks with no liquid assets but trading and delivering mountains of highly toxic debt disguised as credit and should be eliminated, for that is what has destroyed the American Dream with its Make Believe System of Naked Short Capitalists and Nightmare Specialists.
Even now they are arguing amongst themselves about raising the Debt Ceiling to new heights because they have no liquid assets to pay for what is needed.
“We have a competent enough intellegence agency.” ….. Methinks those few lines above prove, beyond any shadow of doubt, the exact opposit
e, QAZZY. Your intelligence agencies are catastrophically incompetent and have failed to recognise that the enemy of the States is the system which is running it and bankrupting it from within with a model of systemically flawed and easily corrupted, perverse governance based upon artificial wealth and pretty printed paper money power for remote virtual control which has now lost, and is now lost in a world in which newly emerged SMARTer Intelligence Shared rules and reigns both Sublimely and Supremely.
And I would hereby suggest that that would be a worthy candidate program for immediate DARPA interest.
Another Blunder?
Posted Tuesday 19th July 2011 14:30 GMT
“Sir Paul Stephenson, who resigned from his job as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police on Sunday, ...”
Why was he dressed up in the uniform of a Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police then? Is that akin to impersonation for he is bound to have civvy clothes, surely? 🙂
Posted by amanfromMars on 07/19/11 10:52 AM
“Bernanke denied that this money was a “bailout” and said that the US Gov actually received a benefit. Can anyone give a good explanation of what his rationale is–then show how flawed it is?” …. Posted by dotti on 07/19/11 09:33 AM
He [Bernanke] lies. It is no more difficult that that in this case?
Posted by amanfromMars on 07/19/11 11:02 AM
And if that is too strong and forthright ….. “He lies”`…… how does, “He suffers from willful blindness and is economical with the truth” grab you, although all that sort of pussyfooting around is that which has landed the system in the mess that it is in, now?
And still it is digging a hole to bury itself, and how stupid is that.
Posted by amanfromMars on 07/19/11 01:16 PM
And if that is too strong and forthright ….. “He lies“`…… how does, “He suffers from willful blindness and is economical with the truth” grab you, although all that sort of pussyfooting around is that which has landed the system in the mess that it is in now?
And still it is digging a hole to bury itself, and how stupid is that.
Nice post, John Danforth [Posted by John Danforth on 07/19/11 11:18 AM] Very concise and crystal clear.
[Oh dear, there appears to be a persistent little glitch which is preventing the above from being printed on the Daily Bell. This being the third time of asking of the machinery. That is something which hasn’t happened before. Hmmm? Such glitches can speak volumes of secrets]
Crikey …. it never rains but it pours?
Posted Tuesday 19th July 2011 17:56 GMT
I suppose the best time to release any emails is after testimony to committee …… for cross reference purposes to tease out ……. well, inconsistencies is a pleasant enough word for the mealy-mouthed?