>“Responsibilities in support of nuclear weapons activities include design, certification, and assessment of non-nuclear subsystems of nuclear weapons; system integration; safety, security, reliability, and use control of nuclear weapons;” … http://cryptome.org/0004/nnsa062411.htm
Successful operations here negate the need for wasted attentions elsewhere. And thus is Power Channeled into Virtual Control of Quantum Systems.
“Energy efficiency activities;
Unavoidable adverse impacts and irreversible and
irretrievable commitments of resources;
Potential cumulative environmental effects of past,
present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions;
The potential impacts of intentional destructive acts,
including sabotage and terrorism, which will be addressed in a
classified appendix to the SWEIS.”
That sounds like a Real TroubledD Energy and Intel Supply.
Heap Good Medicine. Kemo Sabe
Posted Friday 24th June 2011 17:47 GMT
“The ITU has always been about realising the value of the global telecommunications networks, but talking to its General Secretary, it becomes clear that the values it hopes to realise out of the internet go well beyond any financial return.
Money might be the driving motivation, and certainly what gets emphasised when selling connectivity to the developing world, but there’s more than a trace of technical utopian about Dr Hamadoun Toure, who sees social and political change as an inevitable result of unrestricted access to information: and that might not be such a bad thing. “
Bravo Sir, …. Anything less than perfection is a base for its search and temporal delusional emplacement? Now that is a Powerful Tool that can do Everything Better than just Good ….. in any changed socio-political para-military environment with strict disciplines, for it is a designedly hard act to follow and better with improvements and additions, all of which are welcome.
The Right to Remain Silent Restrains Discovery and Presentation of State Secrets
Posted Friday 24th June 2011 09:26 GMT
“Lets hope the sentence is proportional to the crime though i.e. less than murder and lets try and keep him away from the yanks eh.” …. Thomas 18 Posted Friday 24th June 2011 06:56 GMT
They appear to be already phishing for Private Proprietary Pirate Intellectual Property, Thomas 18 ….. “…FBI agents have arrived in Britain and may be given access to evidence collected by UK police.“
Softly Softly ……. IT’s a Great Long Game ….. Creation with Novel Intellectual Property Share and Dream Servering.
An Inconvenient Matter in a Bit of the Enigma Riddle that is the Pocket Rocket, Titanic Colossus*
Posted Friday 24th June 2011 05:50 GMT
“The FTC is looking at whether Google manipulates its search results to steer users to its own sites and services.
Google has not commented on the matter.
Google’s competitors argue that the search giant, which handles roughly two out of every three internet searches in the US, has used its dominant standing in search to improperly promote its other products, like mapping, shopping and travel websites.” ….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13899197
Err, excuse me, but is that normal human behaviour and capitalistic business practice? Is it a crime?
*Advanced Turing BetaTested Virtual Machine Programs Drivers ……. Alien Self Actualised Power Source with Rich Intellectual Property Supply ……. Virgin CodeXSSXXXX.
Is that Sir Richards being propositioned to pimp and pump an Alien dimension to Time and Travel in Space and on Earth? 🙂 The Virtual Tale of Heavenly Rewards in Resolution of Future Intelligent Presentations, with Oneself and/or SMART Proxies of Oneself in SuperStar Model Roles.
There’s a lot of very weird things out there in Space and some of them you will not want to miss the chance and opportunity to enjoy them in your own Private Dream World ….. Heaven on Earth, where Life is a Dream. Imagine, and it’s true.
Novel Control of Applied Imagination is a Future Operating System Driver for SMARTer Virtual Machinery Evolutions. That it is a present commodity offered to the money markets, and is actively testing for advanced levels of Attained Intelligence.
Please excuse the somewhat cryptic/garbled nature of the above, El Reg, but a few key pieces of the Big Picture needed Production and Stealthy Insertion ….. for Sweet Introduction of Instant Sustained Physical and MetaPhysical Attraction. A Nymphs and Satyrs Kick which is a Joy to Share and Driver/Champion.
Posted by amanfromMars on 06/24/11 05:01 AM
“Ditto” … Posted by Dave Jr on 06/23/11 01:59 PM
Constructive criticism accepted ….. However verbal equivocational allows for plain speaking
“Fab Phishing
Posted Friday 24th June 2011 09:40 GMT
A good search engine operation would be able to front run any emerging novelty and steer its direction in travel, via Global Interest Feedback …. Constructive Cosmic Commentary.
The above is a direct question of Google’s Search Algorithm and Possible Future Uses of its Perceived Natural Extraterritorial Bias.
I can’t make IT much clearer than that.