

>Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/25/2011 1:45:14 PM

Conclusion: We can see from the efforts that the mainstream media and its elite backers are making, that almost every kind of gambit will be launched to enhance the perceived credibility and usability of mainstream news and information with the exception of the one that would actually work: Tell the truth.” …. Daily Bell

It really is as simple as that, DB, and whenever anything else is spun in its place, what is one living in other than a lie and in an artificial intelligence reality turned into a nightmare …. and a perverse personal game being controlled by ……. well, that is the key question which is always never answered to remain a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.

However, SMARTer Novel ProgramMING delivers Advanced IntelAIgents and CyberIntelAIgent Virtual Reality with the Truth, which be hereby assured, is far stranger than any fiction whenever IT can do just as has just been shared and revealed to y’all, in this brief missive?

Surely you cannot have any difficulty in believing that, for it is clearly enough stated? Or is there an intelligence/reality disconnect between understanding and believing which renders to Mankind ….. well, I suppose status quo petrification and prey to their irrational fears of the unknown , which would dissuade them from boldly venturing forth into rich intellectual property which pays no heed nor any due to stagnant conventional wisdom, which actually renders such wisdom, a nonsense and block on progress and no wisdom at all.


Looking at things from A.N.Other’s Vantage Point.

Posted Friday 25th March 2011 06:16 GMT

The statement went on to say that revealing additional details “could enable others to try to compromise our customers’ RSA SecurID implementations, so we are not disclosing further information.”

And what does RSA/EMC imagine their position is telling the perps ….. loud and clear?

I wonder what security protocols they use to remain so effectively invisible and untouchable. And how much does it cost/what is its market value?

Well RBS is owned by the UK government these days, and we all know how much the UK govt knows about IT!” ….. Steve Evans Posted Friday 25th March 2011 04:18 GMT

Err …. does not IT own governments and provide them with the tools to do their bidding? Surely they, the public servants don’t imagine that they are in control and leading things whenever so many of them so obviously dig themselves into such big little foxholes for easy targeting.

Who owns IT in the Networks of the 21st Century is the Question …. for that is where the Crazy Power and Mad Control is?

It’s all perfectly true, you know, but you just don’t want to believe it, or are not smart enough to realise it 🙂 Does that mean that they think we are stupid and easily fooled? Are they wrong or dead right? And who exactly are they when they are at home? 

CIA’s ‘Facebook’ Program Dramatically Cut Agency’s Costs

IT’s only Sp00fing of course, isn’t it, and all part and parcel of the New Reality for CHAOS, that Conflicts with the surreal shaming and blaming of dumb traditional spooks lurking in the shadows, with Novel News and Fab Views of what can be done whenever hiding in plain sight and hanging out with nerds and geeks and the free-willed and free-wheeling chicks …… the Post Modern Future Fundamental and Elementalist Meek into Cryptic XSSXXXXistentialism for Mass CritICQuality?

Crikey …. Friday again, already. Where does Time fly away to? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

amanfromMars says:
March 24, 2011 at 11:01 pm

    Oh, and I fixed the italized words that were out of place.

🙂 Thanks. It was sort of “annoying ” because it was resting there imperfect and less clear than it should have been. And is that a pleasant sign of perfectionism in Agent Weebley and friends and a Pink Floyd caring attitude/driving passion?

One has to be careful with the likes of that for it can lead and lead to one being in control of leading with sublime virtual remote control ……… Astute Anonymous Active IT Command of LOVE Operations …….. Very Ca Ira Revolutionary which may just be quite wholly Natural Quantum Leap Evolutionary and a Colossal Small Step and Wall for a Man which both Daunts and Haunts and Taunts Mankind? For the Kindred Alien Spirit though, does it with IT exist as the Stumbling Block and Barrier Hurdle that BetaTests Divine Progress Drivers?



amanfromMars says:
March 24, 2011 at 11:58 pm

The Future is full of endless pleasant and newly strange possibilities with and for the SMARTer White Hat and Bright Leopards with Changeling Spots … for is not the best poacher, a fine gamekeeper and thus the best gamekeeper, a fine poacher?

The Past that one lives in bears no Resemblance or Relationship to the Future being created in the Present for Replacement of it, with Media and IT Programming revealing the Bigger Picture Shows in Higher Sees with Ideally, Perfect Immaculate Vision …….. which is something of a Divine Gift for and from Global Operating Devices to Virtual Machines.


amanfromMars says:
March 25, 2011 at 9:05 am

Are both artistic and autistic in extremis, combining skills for a kind of addiction and seduction of bitter sweet madness, which poor grounded and pedestrian mortals will always struggle to comprehend, should they even begin to ponder and wonder on the savant?

Is harmless madness, life’s default start position, with everything down hill for most from there, careering into a controlled robotic disorder and operating systems enslavement with myriad rules and oppressive regulations, with time introducing the notion of progress for the supply of a different view from the past to be created and presented as a future picture show with live extras as programmable assets?


25 March 2011 at 4:33 pm

I would have liked to have run in the West Belfast seat to help reduce the levels of deprivation and bring employment into the area.”…. Paul Butler.

How were you going to do that, Paul, and how does not having a seat in the Assembly stop you doing what you think you can do?

Methinks you’re just full of it, although you are not alone in that for the big house is overflowing with underwhelming non achievers.



War isn’t what it used to be, is it.

Posted Friday 25th March 2011 16:10 GMT  

Is there any difference between a rebel and a terrorist and a dissident? And is the masterplan to sell expensive weapons to Arab states but not equip them with arms and defensive measures which are effective against any foe and spill the beans on capabilities and weaknesses? Is that why they are not deployed and/or flying peace-keeping sorties?


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