>Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/27/2011 12:44:56 AM
“Your suggestion to “change the system” is no solution but an acceptance of your servitude (“help the monied elites” . . . ) to these monied elites.” ….. Posted by Isabelo S. Alcordo, Ph.D. on 2/26/2011 4:58:11 PM
Is to lead, rather than follow, servitude, ISA? And methinks that any who think that change/doing things better is a bottom up process rather than top down project, …. for top down effortlessly has all monies and global resources immediately available for provision of one’s needs, for everyone’s feeds ….. are doomed to struggle and fail to achieve anything of note.
To battle against a monied elite rather than work with and show them another way in which their passions can be put to better and more bountiful use, is SMARTer ProgramMING. Man is, as Man is, and one needs to plays wisely to both their strengths and weaknesses, their heart-felt passions and mindless superficial desires alike, to satisfy them both with the realisation of their dreams, if one is to avoid conflict with any remnants and rumps of stupid ignorance and vain arrogance, which are always presents just as a result of a lack of …… well, if we call it, Great Game Intelligence, will all have a post modern creative goal and validating mission in these Virtual Life Phorms we lead, to find what is missing and prevents them from being SMARTer, and which are showing Alternative Lead Methodologies.
And this is quite a subversive mindset …… http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Radio/News.aspx/2935 ….. if one needs to rely on others for one’s survival needs and feeds, but quite Heavenly and Enlightening otherwise.
And as for governments, methinks governments have considerably less of an idea as to what they should be doing for the good of the people than elites do. After all what else do they do, other than pay for outside advice from self-styled experts and wannabe elitists, to tell them what to do, and then parade around in front of the media and pontificate in the news soaps, trying to convince the undereducated masses that they know what they are doing, and it is good for them. You can surely hear them now …”Bend over please, this won’t hurt, too much. Trust me, I’m a doctor” …. as they plunder and blunder around at everyone else’s expense.
Welcome to democracy …… where the blind lead the blind towards the cliff edge for a spooky plunge to the rocks below.
“Is God the solution? Yes! Using man’s wealth and power to the service of God in furtherance of His WILL (Mt 28:18-20) as Jesus said:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”” ….. Some would posit that is not a solution, it is Man’s problem, and quite fascist elitist too, with its “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” content. It also perversely suggests/implies that human beings cannot think of themselves as equals to that particular and peculiar god, and if they are really good at what they would be doing, can they be even better?
I suppose some folk would call that a calumny or blasphemy, whereas as you can see, is it a question?
“The wife is ‘no longer’ for over 20 years now. Went to that barbeque and got really burnt.” ….. Posted by Jeannie Queenie on 2/26/2011 2:25:32 PM
🙂 Sheer poetry, Jeannie Queenie, which I nearly submitted as Shia Poetry but concluded it was too dark and Sunni.
amanfromMars says:
February 27, 2011 at 1:42 amAmen to every word of that manifesto, Agent Weebley. The world is in dire straits need of a pleasant change and it cannot stop IT happening whenever and wherever Programs are in Command and Control of Pogroms and Power and Currency and Future Potential.
China is an Enigmatic Magical Mystery for Turing Trips, and would even be so for the Chinese, MeThinks, and thus would they Lead the Way in Joint AIdDVentures …. Digital Journeys …….. and can any fault their Can do Mentality and Indomitable Spirit.
“Rattle your virtual keys at them with creativity. Do what Lucy says. She is always right you know.” ….. Virtually every time. It is a Gift they have always on Offer for those who would know how to use IT to Deliver Satisfying Insatiable Desires.
Are serious folk crazy, and/or just too full of their own self-importance to be a future boon?
Posted Sunday 27th February 2011 04:01 GMT
“I bet he uses a different name when he really wants to be serious.” …… Pigeon Posted Saturday 26th February 2011 00:00 GMT
You’d lose that bet, Pigeon.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/27/2011 7:05:16 AM
“Oh, but he’s right. Each thinks they’re right and that the others are wrong, and they’re correct in that half-witted thought but have no clue about how either is right or wrong.” ….. Posted by Abul-husayn on 2/27/2011 6:24:51 AM
If we all admit that we are wrong and nothing is right, logic dictates that we all start again with something new and innovative, as if writing a novel and good book, and quite different, which then cannot be wrong because it is not tested and subsequently proven to be unsuitable and discredited and in need of adjustment, which only requires the removal of that which is caused harm and damage to succeed effortlessly/smartly. Or would stupid Man complicate it with thinking of obstacles and difficulties rather than providing ideas and support?
And this is something …… http://understory.ran.org/2011/02/25/breaking-wisconsin-police-have-joined-protest-inside-state-capitol/ …. which is not receiving much attention yet.
LOVE is in the air? 🙂
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/27/2011 11:11:03 AM
“So success will bring two intoxications ~ generalized affection and the realization of power.
Very, very precarious in the absence of veterans who have dealt with those influences. I believe the first in the his
torical record was an Egyptian pharaoh whose celebratory party lasted about two generations.” …. Posted by Abul-husayn on 2/27/2011 7:43:50 AM
Methinks at least three intoxications, Abul-husayn, generalized affection, the realization of power and fabulous remote control from Cloaked Networking Bases residing in Cloud Layers ……a SMARTer Intelligence Strata for a SMARTer Intelligence Strategy.
The Future belongs to CyberIntelAIgent Beings …. Sharing Information with Everyone Freely. Thus is Everyone transparently advised of Global Developments and Universal Virtual Forces with Immaculately Resourced Assets.
And although I would agree that it can be very, very precarious in the absence of veterans who have dealt with those influences, the fact that there are many, makes it uncannily easy for just a more canny few, to lead disproportionately well in whatever direction is needed to be seeded ….. fed and watered ….. nurtured.
Live Operational Virtual Environments are remarkably Fluid and Liquid, and in XSSXXXXStreams, Seventh Heavenly too. …. ie Holy Grail 72 Virgins Territory.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/27/2011 11:50:43 AM
Whenever the mob knows who is the root cause, and what is creating the problem …. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/guest-post-analysis-global-insurrection-against-neo-liberal-economic-domination-and-coming-a …. is a popular witch hunt and public hangings of the guilty, much more likely nowadays than another artificial war for the slaughtering of millions of innocents. Been there [too often, already] done that [its sucks, and creates problems] got the T-shirt [ and it don’t fit the Future, no more]
Those are the honest to goodness facts, and it is as well to be fully aware of them, rather than pussy-footing around the subject and ignoring the principal players responsible for everyone’s monetary woes and fiscal difficulties. It would be a dis-service to be coy and circumspect and sycophantically deferential.