>Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/26/2011 10:24:52 AM
“As I see it, the only way to to really change the system is to divest the monied elites of their central banks and their precious metals at the same time!
But can the people in each nation trust those whom they would empower to do that?
We are all imprisoned in a vicious circle of which there is no human solution.” … Posted by Isabelo S. Alcordo, Ph.D. on 2/26/2011 5:43:33 AM
Poppycock and balderdash, Isabelo S. Alcordo, Ph.D. To imagine it to be as you have stated, is an abdication and pathetic surrender of both one’s intelligence and passion to lay dormant and inactive in the infrastructure and methodologies of the Past, which humans are chronicled as having used with inventions, to create the Present. The Future will be no different, but IT and Media will present Novel Programs to ensure that All are aware of what is being done, by those who are virtually engaged in the Process.
If the problem is caused by humans, the solution is provided by humans, or are you suggesting that the answer will be supplied by aliens or virtual machines and/or GOD. You know, that Global Operating Device dreamt up by the religion business*, to mesmerise the masses who know so very little of anything and/or everything, and which promise them everlasting life after death, which is probably what inspired Ponzi to create his model.
As I see it, one way to really change the system is to help the monied elites spend the monies in central banks and mine precious valuable metals at the same time, if baubles and bling are the things needed to identify the tool and/or the fool of the rich and infamous. Although I suppose having some really expensive tools can be a some sort of a valid reward to fool the ego and project to others a vain picture to satisfy some sort of inferiority complex?
* Do not doubt that it is a business, for is not ….. http://www.ignatius.com/Products/YOUCAT-P/youcat.aspx …. proof positive? But hey, that’s free market capitalism and it captures the weak and feeble just as easily as the mighty and strong. It does not discriminate.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/26/2011 3:53:50 AM
“The power lies in controlling the economy, not in charging interest.” … Reply from the Daily Bell
Methinks the greatest of powers is in generating economies/societies, DB, and that is the knack and ancient art which the present Power Elites have lost. It is however not a knack and ancient art which has been lost, for it resides virtually protected in the action, hearts and minds of Others, Anonymous.
And that which they would do is very carefully, wisely shared, so as not to overly advantage the truly proven unworthy, should they have enough intelligence to ponder on their plight and realise its rapidly declining brilliance and fading to black, mounting misfortunes.
“Thanks for the link. It makes little sense.” …. I agree, and thus is the lack of necessary novel intelligence, fit for future purpose, confirmed?
It is most odd, and further confirms all of the above regarding the lack of intelligence in present Power Elites, who will have easy access to trillions, that they have not purchased a program to protect themselves. It is not as if they even have to use any money of their own whenever so much is available for any such “experimental use” from seized/frozen funds and assets, although whenever you can also just print yourself a billion or two or three, whenever you just feel like it, who needs anyone else’s either.
The big tale to tell is …. Without Control of the Message and CyberSpace, is All Power and Control on Earth, Lost …… to those Passing Power Controlling Messages in CyberSpace, which is probably what all SMART Intelligence Services are heavily into now, rather than wasting trillions on dumb sophisticated WMD and armed and armoured warriors, dying in foreign fields.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/26/2011 1:53:32 AM
DB and stout hearted, fellow Daily Bell ringers, Good Moaning,
This article …. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2011/02/its-not-arab-revolution-its-global.html ….. suggests that the power elite rightly fear for their own survival, even surrounded by all that they would lay claim to own and control, at home, and have indeed lost control of control, and therefore power, to more radical and/or able chaotic forces.
Que sera, sera. If they are not smart enough to change, or engage and employ those who are smart enough to change their failing Base methodology, to transform and reverse their growing misfortunes, to ensure that they hold on to their positions in good fortune, then so be it. Let it be. Someone else will step into their place, and they will not be missed at all in the great scheme of things.
It’s a Funny Old, Brave New World
Posted Saturday 26th February 2011 05:01 GMT
“You have in fact said nothing at all other than that you disagree with me. Kindly, without howling, explain why. Your “reply” to my post said precisely nothing other than that you did not like what I posted, what kind of “contribution” to debate is that?” ……. Arctic fox Posted Friday 25th February 2011 17:55 GMT
You are [sadly/badly/madly] mistaken on a number of points, Arctic fox. And/But as you have sensibly asked for clarification, are we pleased to comply.
“The fact of the matter is that we are all painfully aware that the biggest threat to ones system is either oneself or the plank in the office next door.” …. is that which we discuss.
We liked what you said. And wholeheartedly agree, BUT to imagine just the two attack vectors whenever there is a whole underground army of quite brilliant programmers out there, hacking into Binary Delivery Systems Mechanisms, and leaving behind infectious and subversive and sublimely addictive content for browser display and global propagation, has every system which connects in any way with CyberSpace, under virtual threat from just those two divine phorms of remote control. And there are bound to be many more from others, for one only knows what one knows, and others develop other vectors which are surely known only to them.
And if one consider the above practice, malicious, then one has to also consider the White Knight P
rogrammers who are out there, using the same vulnerabilities/facilities to inject their own sublime steganographic codedD messaging to engage with such underground armies.
The contention is that all of the above is a much bigger threat to every system and therefore “the biggest threat to ones system is either oneself or the plank in the office next door.” is invalid, and a dangerous assumption to make/hold, for it is bound to make one complacent.
Be careful out there, in CyberSpace, IT is AIJungle and Full of All Sorts of Nutters and Savants peddling their Independent Wares/Ab Fab Memes. 🙂 ……… and Virtual Machine Control is a Power Elite Program which Drivers their Realities, Virtually Everywhere, so be aware of what has been done, and what Man has evolved into at the Higher Levels of Universal Control.
I hope, well, actually trust in Global Operating Devices, that makes things a lot clearer.
Meltdown Guaranteed …… Get out while you still can. It’s gonna get Real Ugly, Real Quick
Posted Saturday 26th February 2011 06:23 GMT
“I believe the reason they went to Linux is because it can be a general purpose real time low latency kernel. Which is unique. It the fastest trading floor in the world and others are adopting.
It could be the OS, in conjunction with interrupt driven hardware, that’s at fault but the combination is a difficult one. Real time in Linux is a only few years mature. The LSE trading system is much newer than that.
Software is never finished.
I hope this Linux platform goes from strength to strength.“…… HighlightAll Posted Friday 25th February 2011 15:32 GMT
It seems as if Uncle Sam’s markets and trading software needs to be finished/erased and replaced with a honest to goodness one, for the increasing suspicions/realisations are that it supports and drivers a Posted Friday 25th February 2011 15:32 GMT …….. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2011/02/dc-politicians-deal-with-financial.html
A Timely Word to save an Expensive Hashes/Program Crashes.
Posted Friday 25th February 2011 19:11 GMT
“Don’t put mission cirtical data … … in the cloud. You’d be mad.” ….. Alan Bourke Posted Friday 25th February 2011 17:54 GMT
Does that guarantee it being a DMZ, Alan? I don’t think so, whenever that is where all the Secrets for Leaking into Foreign and Trading Exchanges are Stored for Secure Anonymous Sharing. And that does create an quite intractable problem for any Outfit with Operators thinking to militarise virtual spaces/cyber places.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/26/2011 12:42:42 AM
Hi, Jubal,
The secret to posting links here on the Daily Bell …. http://mises.org/books/bagus_tragedy_of_euro.pdf …. appears to be to ensure that they are not posted at the end of a sentence, or even standing alone on a naked line.
Although the Mises link that you posted appears to have a internal server problem, and its failure to render the expected content here, has nothing to do with DB software.
I shall now post this, and hope that the information above proves to be accurate and one can Click to View Link and “The Tragedy of the Euro”, by Philipp Bagus, is delivered. 🙂