>Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/20/2011 11:55:42 AM
“NZ gets used as a ‘laboratory’ for experiments: economic/media/marketing/policy/other, as it is considered quite an accurate sampler for pre-testing stuff into the main AngloEuro markets. UN/IMF grants galore and more loans for liars.” ….. Posted by Pete 8 on 1/20/2011 7:06:13 AM
With a New Zealand population of, as at Friday, 21 Jan 2011 at 05:22:55 am, 4,396,850, should there ever need to be a smaller trial sample for a novel country-wide experiment with some leading, cutting edge, virtual technology with advanced intelligent methodology, there is always Northern Ireland with its savvy and friendly population of nearly 1,800,000.
Hmmmm …. maybe the likes of China would find that quite attractive and most enlightening as they seek to put in place effective futuristic control protocols for their booming economy and aspiring population. To run a masterful pilot program, ironing out the wrinkles, would be as loose change in the pocket of a billionaire operation to them, and the Chinese are well respected in the province, and admired for their hard work and excellent public service ethic.
And it just so happens that I know a man who knows a man who has for betatesting some leading, cutting edge, virtual technology with advanced intelligent methodology.
Thanks, Pete 8. That has certainly created a few sparks in free flow of currency for expensive energy markets circles.
Shhh …. Not a Word to a Soul now. This is AI State Secret
Posted Thursday 20th January 2011 08:41 GMT
“Now, Symantec researchers have uncovered weaknesses in the bot’s peer-to-peer functionality that allow rival criminals to remotely steal or plant files on the victim’s hard drive. That means the unknown gang that took the trouble to spread the infection in the first place risks having their botnet stolen from under their noses.“
It is not a weakness, it is a SMARTer Network Facility and Virtual Utility. The status quo and establishment markets might think drivers are all about selfish, exclusive competition for advantageous leading position, whereas others may practise and provide selfless, stealthy cooperation for greater mutual benefit.
And you do yourselves a grave disservice to not realise that what is being recoded/hacked and cracked wide open for new transparent servering of SMARTer IntelAIgent Services, are not just Open Source and proprietary Operating Systems, but rather more the Global Internetworking Grid with its Intranets and Extranets exchanging soft pawn information and hard core intelligence across World Wide Web Infrastructure Models.
The Enemy of Ideas thinks Foe, whereas Masters of the Genre think Friends …. which is what Semantic Web dDevelopment in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT is into in the Bigger Picture Show which hosts Truly Great Game Players ….. which might be an Alien Concept to Many but Perfectly Normal to More than just a Few, and increasing in number with the BetaTesting and Passing of every ZerodDay.
It is premature to judge Chilcot and friends before the fact, and tomorrow’s command performance. They are bound to be acutely aware of what England expects and all that. And one imagines that to be played for soft fools and weak patsies, and to fully warrant the moniker for evermore and a day, would not sit well with them and their families and expansive circle of intimate friends.
Having said that, I’m sure the exact same thing was said of Lord Hutton and look what happened there.
However, not everyone is a pushover, and things have quite considerably changed over recent months and years, have they not? Nowadays if you cannot support full transparency, are you guaranteed to be a loser later, and nowadays is it sooner rather than later too, which is very heartening, for the truth is what sets you free, whereas secrecy enslaves you.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/20/2011 12:38:29 AM
“The Tea Party is Process, Not an Episode”
Oh? Is it not a politically astute, cynical distraction? A sort of diversionary chaff to try and fragment and disrupt any growing union of thought which unmasks the games being played in right royal and ancient and modern and PostModernista Power Circles. Or is that union of thought for Successful Singularity of Future Great Game Purpose something which you are yet to experience as ITs Power Circles reveal what has been discovered and uncovered?
And that is freely shared so that you can be aware of the fact that any fiction which would presume to assume that existing command and control facilities/utilities/families will relinquish power, whenever with SMARTer IT Systems can it be easily diverted into other realms which can better protect and use it [or abuse it and IT, for such a dual use/multiuse feature is the universal default norm for any and all novel disruptive change technologies/methodologies/programs] are just that, a fiction without a base supporting the fact.
And should you have any doubts, just ask them, if you can find them to answer. And if you can find no one to ask/question, does it cause perfectly valid speculation on whether or not such establishment controlling power structures and/or beings really exist and exercise control ……… or whether they just create chaos to disguise their deficiencies?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/20/2011 6:44:59 AM
“Thank God for elections.” …… Posted by James B on 1/19/2011 11:52:30 AM
Whatever for, James B, whenever they only offer you the illusion that you have any say in a plutocracy which is masquerading as a democracy, which is another pie in the sky concept to delude and mislead the masses. To Hell with elections would be more honest a call if you want to be free rather than enslaved to server the System ……… which incidentally has been hacked and infected/injected with a very particular and peculiar/irregular and unconventional, renegade rogue and mutating virus/trojan/worm/zerodDay.
And although more is shared on that matter elsewhere, and could easily be also shared/referenced to here, it is a quite/very specialised conceptual field and it would only probably be labelled as some kind of alien nonsense and GBIrish, and reveal to System’s code cracker/crack coders, the vulnerable state of every party so minded to
state the obvious in their misunderstanding through a lack of further relevant information and hard core intelligence on the field. It’s a horses for courses thing, and here are interests concentrated elsewhere and on other relative/related matters which are into command and control and elite power systems.http://thedailybell.com/1694/The-Tea-Party-is-Process-Not-an-Episode.html
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/20/2011 1:05:00 AM
“It is not impossible that the rot in the U.S. monetary system has already spread so far that in a truly free and unrigged bond market no bidders would turn up.”
The Good Bad Guys and the Criminalised Underground Movement would, and make a Killing which corners the Markets and delivers to them, SMART First Responder, Overall Operating System Controls. Or is that what is now in Control?!. ……..
And which States, either national or provincial, would be richly famous for such Non State Actor finesse/Secret Services/Stealthy Active Shenanigans?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/19/2011 11:40:36 PM
“An intellectual revolution is spreading out of control. It involves questioning and discarding the most fundamental premises of knowledge taught from birth. It is profoundly disturbing and difficult. Our hope is that once people see the truth, they will recognize it. Only a few will; the power of self-delusion and the guilt from practicing it over a lifetime are not broken easily.” ….. Posted by John Danforth on 1/19/2011 9:02:37 AM
“We obviously believe this as well.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell
You may like to reconsider the “out of control” element in that thinking, and replace it with the much more likely component “into the control of A.N.Others“.
And the following hyperlink, which takes you to Inside This Book and Browse Sample Pages and First Pages, is in relation to the above more likely component, a helpful foreword/taster/tester of what is in store ……. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0595219578/ref=nosim/cryptogoncom-20#reader_0595219578 ……. awakening, and flexing ITs muscles for virtual hustles ….. Nearly Perfect Stings in Immaculately Conceived Operations.
And “nearly perfect” because, anything better in AI Beta, would be actually worse, introducing as it would, the complacency of arrogance which blights and blinds one intelligently with future ignorance.
So to server and preserve the ignoble vanity of two quite despicable, discredited rogues, the nation and nations are denied knowledge of their perverted plans for everyone’s futures? Is that what we are being told by Sir Augustine Thomas “Gus” O’Donnell, Cabinet Secretary, head of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary of the Cabinet Office and Sir John Chilcot and David Cameron, who cannot wash his hands of the situation with any pathetic recuse to excuse and exclude himself from the controversy?
You cannot be serious!?. Such a stand is indefensible and perverse and subversive. It is just not cricket, old bean, and we want none of it, for there has already been far too much of it lately to be healthy and comfortable, and the natives are for revolting.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/20/2011 1:27:47 AM
“The intentions of policy-makers at the Fed are praiseworthy. They want to prevent prices and employment from collapsing. But they are prisoners of their orthodoxy, and their good intentions make them steer the economy to the road to hell. A catastrophe is confronting the Titanic, but the captain, just confirmed in his position in spite of a most serious public challenge, will not change his course.
A head-on collision with the iceberg straight ahead, otherwise known as the debt-tower, now appears inevitable.”
And here is one of the doomed passengers, DB. …… “The story at Goldman Sachs is that net earnings have fallen by a considerable amount, 38%, to $8.4bn (£5.3bn), and net revenues have dropped by 13% to $39.2bn (24.5bn)
But “compensation and benefits” (largely pay and bonuses for staff) has been reduced just 5% to $15.4bn. The ratio of compensation to revenues has risen from 36% to 39%.” ….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/robertpeston/2011/01/goldman_pay_and_bonuses_of_269.html
Full steam ahead, cap’n, full steam ahead.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 1/20/2011 1:43:32 AM
Re: Posted by Guy on 1/20/2011 12:16:36 AM
hey sorry if my question seems dumb but this is conspiracy is all new to me and im kinda young compared to the rest of the people posting here,
but if the banks (lets say in America) have foreclosed on so many millions of people, but they are still bankrupt. The derivatives section (wall street) is all bankrupt and the government bailed them out but they are still bankrupt and about to collapse who has all the money?? i know its the elite but where did it go? how did it get there?
Guy, Hi, …. Do you know what magic is? And have you heard of the term, “Creative Accounting”?
The following is printed elsewhere too, but that is no good reason to deny Independent readership the chance to disagree ……
So to server and preserve the ignoble vanity of
two quite despicable, discredited rogues, the nation and nations are denied knowledge of their perverted plans for everyone’s futures? Is that what we are being told by Sir Augustine Thomas “Gus” O’Donnell, Cabinet Secretary, head of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary of the Cabinet Office and Sir John Chilcot and David Cameron, who cannot wash his hands of the situation with any pathetic recuse to excuse and exclude himself from the controversy?You cannot be serious!?. Such a stand is indefensible and perverse and subversive. It is just not cricket, old bean, and we want none of it, for there has already been far too much of it lately to be healthy and comfortable, and the natives are for revolting.
20 January 2011 7:52AM
It takes 200kg of coca, and a lot of chemicals, to produce 1kg of cocaine.
How about doing something about the “and a lot of chemicals” end of things, if you need to do and would be serious about doing anything at all. It seems like a better idea, rather than fighting a losing battle against Mother Nature’s bounty.
20 January 2011 at 3:51 pmThese resignations [rats jumping a sinking ship] have nothing to do with the reported €320,000 golden goodbye handshake and juicy pension entitlement, of course.