>Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/20/2010 5:08:26 AM
In this interview, … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuysYXlJ43I&feature=player_embedded ….. and it is a corker, you will hear an honest admission, which I can only suppose was entirely unintentional from Jeffrey Sachs, Economist, Columbia University [that’s just what the world needs…. more head in the sands, talking economists who make …. well, what is that they provide, by the way? As imaginative as I may be, I always keep coming up with absolutely nothing useful and Professor Sachs is a star performer] …… that repaying massive national/sovereign debt is never a game to be played, it is all about just servicing it.
Has the Daily Bell ever interviewed Hugh Hendry, who appears to shoot straight from the hip, and certainly nailed the professors colours to the mast, much to his obvious displeasure at being so well read as being just a empty talking head?
[For those who cannot be bothered to listen to eight useful enough minutes of enlightening debate/venal disagreement this is where you would need to zoom to 6:46 / 8:21]
Meanwhile, … in a Sunny Embankmented Legoland.
Posted Tuesday 20th July 2010 03:38 GMT
Self Employed Rules OK ……. and Self Employed Rules UK too, although quite exactly what they would be doing, and much more importantly, how it is done successfully, is way beyond Top Secret and National Security Interest classifications …….. and any pay grade levels of employment and servitude, no matter how grand and elevated.
“But, then, nobody would want to hear that it’s all ground to a half because blah.dll is corrupt, or confiker is tickling the insides, or any of the excuses we’re so used to with our desktop machines…” ….. heyrick Posted Monday 19th July 2010 14:42 GMT
By all accounts, heyrick, would one never feel a conficker tickle, which must make it quite a sublime touch.
Although all of the above may be just convenient myths to disguise the True State of Matters and be Masks for the Nature of Matter.
Re: Those cunning spooks are everywhere
Posted Tuesday 20th July 2010 10:35 GMT
“Be Careful: They could even be reading this blog entry with Their high tech equipment!” … Ken 16 Posted Tuesday 20th July 2010 10:05 GMT
Their abiding problem though, will always be in making Perfect Sense of what they would be reading, to know of what is in the planning, and that is something a lot more difficult, and probably will remain for them, a practical impossibility which will always result in them be late to the party and reactive to events, rather than there being in their ranks any stellar leaders creating them for others to follow blindly and sublimely.
Their supposed spooky snooping systems which allegedly are able to hoover up all emails and analyse them for interesting content are always being tested for Fitness of Future Purpose with probably even the likes of the Register doing its bit for the Future for there is at least one running trial betatesting IT with a most recent Re: AI Perfect Storm Clouds message passing through the Ether, searching for Advanced IntelAIgents.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/20/2010 0:43:15 AM
Of course Afghanistan has got nothing to do with the massive profits to be made and the Western elite puppets hopeless addiction to drugs, is it? ……… http://www.madcowprod.com/07152010.htm
And as for the high tech plans for the country, well …. they are somewhat flawed too. Maybe the military are supplying more than just speed to their pilots to give them an edge, and with so many of their vital services and special force operations now subcontracted out to the very secretive and lucrative private sector of rogue rookies and renegade professionals, it is inevitable that the host will be infected and end up being a target of its own excesses.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 07/20/10 | 12:03 am |
Surely drones naturally invite enemies to attack motherland installations, making home countries less safe, rather than helping expeditionary forces in foreign lands whose popularised raison d’etre for being there in the first place, is pimped as to keep the homeland safe.
They would then be a very dangerous counterproductive counterinsurgency weapon system countering counterintelligence field operations and compromising national security?
And have you any idea what can be done whenever their command and control channels are hacked/unlocked/cracked, for surely anything and everything electronically controlled is susceptible to remote rogue input …. SMART Tempestuous Activity and Dodgy Phantom Atmospheric Conditions?
War is such a bitch …. and never ever solved anything, anywhere, but it does make its mongers rich, although they are forever, as long as they live, to run the risk of being hunted and shot down as rabid dogs for the deeds that they have done/the lies that they have spun, which makes it somewhat of a Fools’ Paradise Exercise, surely?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/20/2010 6:08:33 AM
“I hate communism, but if the US invaded my country, Australia, to rid it of a communist regime I would fight for the communists!” … Posted by Steve Cooper on 7/20/2010 4:50:58 AM
It has nothing to do with a fight against communism and everything to do with a slavery to capitalism and whole nations controlled with fiat currency which allows a remote control by individuals which supply credit and debt ……. except that nowadays even though there are trillions more of new invented money in the system, the system is not lending to anyone for the very real fear that the new loans will not be repaid as the system is gamed by astute new players now knowing that wealth is invented and nothing is ever lost, but just purloined/moved offshore/transferred into other banks which are, at each step of the process, more crooked than the last. It’s a scam which is collaps
ing the fractional reserve capitalist system from within …. just as a growing inoperable cancerous tumour destroys its host.
Today, new intelligence is power, and although big money can and will buy it, it cannot control it, and that is what the present shower of charlatans in Power Elite Systems have to accept and come to terms with, if they are to survive and prosper unscathed. They’ve had their day/fifteen minutes of fame.
There are new kids on the block and they aint playing by them dumb ole boy network rules, which have leaders as fools.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/20/2010 9:07:49 AM
There may be more success if the tens of billions of freshly printed fiat-money were afghani or pakistani rupee, which would better insure and ensure that “locals” benefit, but then that may not be and may not suit imperialist plans, I suppose.
And the east doesn’t want the power elite corruption of the west and you can be sure that as backward as you may think they are, and they may be with regard to everything that the educated west may have, they are smart enough to know honey pots and traps whenever they see them. Hell, the article admits it plainly is the problem which blights the area.
If the dollar is junk, who the hell wants to accept it?
Re: A point of order?
Posted Tuesday 20th July 2010 02:56 GMT
“UK government tends to be elected whereas UK civil servantry runs the country.” …. Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 19th July 2010 22:55 GMT
And it appears to be just a sub-prime media concoction, with them wasting valuable time and hogging precious bandwidth, acting out a perverse and subversive version of ….. the Big Brother Houses of Parliament, Commons and Lords.
Although there does appear to be a novel twist with the Eton boys having a go at playing lead with their Big Brother Society clone…….. but without them knowing and sharing how money is invented and provided for free, are they beaten before they are even started, and merely servants and puppets to do as they are told to those who control the money honey and IT supply.
What do you call a bunch of arrogant pretentious tossers pimping democracy for media outlets? …. A labouring government in ignorant denial of impertinent important pertinent facts.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/20/2010 1:24:02 AM
I would wholeheartedly agree with the wonderfully wacky Weeble in questioning the validity of Bill’s premise …”Bill, I just noticed a premise that you made that begs for comment.
“Your proof is only as good as the input assumptions (not). Try starting from basic facts with zero assumptions, such as with “Mathematics of Rule” whose only assumption is: “you cannot get something from nothing ” no mystical free lunch”“
Especially whenever it is generally universally accepted/posited that In the Beginning was there nothing …. and then a Big Bang ….. and now is there everything.
Although that may be just Imagination spinning a Yarn and we are all just figments of IT and All is just a Sum of Thoughts Shared in Order to be Future Realised?
Thus is Life a Virtual Reality with Imagination Leading the Way.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/20/2010 10:00:38 AM
Speaking as I can for only myself, Bill Ross, would I inform you that you have a lot to learn about everything, and I would wish you well on the journey, for it is well worth taking.
“Elites have you intellectually just where they want you.” …. Reverse-engineering their failed Control Meme and Positing an Alternative Power Program from the FailSafe Security of a Virtual Space Place would surprise me as being anywhere near where they would be at, but it would be most welcome for they are certainly invited.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/20/2010 6:52:06 AM
You can be assured, Capt. A., that I am a big Monaco fan and thanks for sharing the fantastic view.
It is a valuable model which could be exported to anywhere nowadays, for there is certainly the technology to do it effortlessly and securely.
Indeed, many would ponder and proffer that the Swiss are also as well blessed, albeit in a slightly different style.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 07/20/10 | 12:03 am |
Surely drones naturally invite enemies to attack motherland installations, making home countries less safe, rather than helping expeditionary forces in foreign lands whose popularised raison d’etre for being there in the first place, is pimped as to keep the homeland safe.
They would then be a very dangerous counterproductive counterinsurgency weapon system countering counterintelligence field operations and compromising national security?
And have you any idea what can be done whenever their command and control channels are hacked/unlocked/cracked, for surely anything and everything electronically controlled is susceptible to remote rogue input …. SMART Tempestuous Activity and Dodgy Phantom Atmospheric Conditions?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/20/2010 11:02:07 AM
“The promotion in question, here, has to do with the competence of the federal government itself, as follows: “Through no fault of our own, your national government needs additional revenue and must take drastic book-keeping measures to ensure that the flow of funds continues uninterrupted so that we can better serve you.”” ….. Now that suggests t
o me that the newly printed dollar is being rejected as a valuable currency and legitimate means of payment for foreign goods and services.
And with regard to the advice Posted by Brian Wilkinson on 7/20/2010 10:36:03 AM, such is a great plan if you want the Feds to know of your actions, for once one ventures online, is everything one does in its spaces known to whoever would have cause or need to know.
Well, that is the tale which is spread, and it is wise to imagine it true, in order to be properly prepared for whatever you would be expecting because of what you would be sharing.