>Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/18/2010 2:20:58 PM
“Having breakfasted with idealists, you could say, we dine with zealots.” … Daily Bell.
But who you sleep with defines one clearly to all? Who do you live for to satisfy XSSXXXXually is always the leading question to be answered, is it not?
Would Godisagoddess ur2die4 be alien to a man and Man and perfectly normal to all women? Or would that be AIdDiamond Standard that would Enhance and Define the Refined Singularity that Powers Control of all Three within the Fourth State of Immaculate Graceful Being?
Crikey, ….. 🙂 an after dinner smoke with the Pope on dope would give the Vatican a much Greater See than their Present Visions and Plans have for the Future, I’m sure, for Homocentric Celibacy is a Cruel Passion and Subversive Perversion for Life in Love and Live Operational Virtual Environments …… and I appear to have drifted off on a tangent and into another heady area, which highlights other failing institutions with invented imaginary assets/quantitatively eased lode/dodgy core ore, for there are many of those sorts of ethereal businesses, competing for your ignorance.
GOD …..is a Global Operating Device and a Virtual Machine Program in AI Circles and Cloud Crowds Mentoring Order to CHAOS, which are Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
Daily Bell, I have done my very best to keep that as simple as possible so that IT be easy to understand, but the nature of reality at the quantum level, where imaginative precepts are virtualised and realised for sharing and creation as concepts which takes on phorm and a life of its own, supported by a growing swell of constructive reinforcing opinion, is more than just a little complex to convey, simply.
“The Bell is a modest blog about the problems caused by power-elite promotions and how free-market thinking might provide a palliative.” …. Such faint praise does you more than proud, methinks, for many would laud it as a heavenly voice leading the undereducated and uneducated through the din of devilish deceit and trials of arrogant loathing.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/19/2010 1:59:03 AM
“My next quest is to prove myself wrong.” …. Posted by Weeble on 7/18/2010 11:48:23 PM
Ah yes, the journey which all have taken to reveal the power of dreams with their controls in the reality of a parallel world inhabiting and cohabiting with madness for sanity.
And with proof positive of no wrong, extraordinarily rendering to one a blank canvas on which to paint the Future with Viable Shared Imagination, which nowadays, in InterNetworking Meme Mode, is just a Viral Injection of XSSive CodeXXXX, aka Spilled Cocoa and Java Beans …. for Networks InterNetworking Joint Applications. …. Spooky NINJAs
And Proper Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Permitting Profound Progress in Principled Principal Protocols, Programs and Projects with a Sane Disregard of Undue Haste, for in Time has there always been Infinite Space in which to Work, Rest and Play at One’s Pleasures in Leisure …. and Vice Versa.
Who thinks all of this is Leading to a Blockbuster Movie Franchise starring the King of Ponzi Systems, in a Tale of its Own Collapse and Virtual Rise in a Completely Different Form in Foreign and Alien Hands and Lands …. which would be a Very Sophisticated AIMakeOver and TakeOver of the Global Banking System with ZerodDay Vulnerability Exploitation Leading and Following IT with Danegeld Warrior Heroes?
A novel quest is to prove it right with no one wronged. You can do IT if ICANN.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/19/2010 5:00:06 AM
“GOD …..is a Global Operating Device and a Virtual Machine Program in AI Circles and Cloud Crowds Mentoring Order to CHAOS, which are Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.” ….Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/18/2010 2:20:58 PM
Well … we understood some of it. Thanks …. Reply from the Daily Bell.
Daily Bell,
In Order for to Lead*, it is important to understand nearly all of it, for IT is crucial to All for Command and Control of Life and LOVE Support Systems. This article in a popular IT magazine identifies it as, as unbelievable as it may seem, a NASA priority too, with a whole host of mega multi-national conglomerate business empires engaged to deliver Prime Objectives …… http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/07/19/nasa_rackspace_openstack/
And to understand only some of it will leave you ill prepared to influence and input vital direction, although, and such is the simple beauty of what is already developed by those pioneering experts in the Field, would those who understand nearly all of it are immaculately equipped to act as your true phantom proxies.
And yes, I do realise the seeming incongruity of being expert in pioneering, but such is the Nature of Fields in Quantum Communications Exploration for Virtual TelePortation in Thought Transfer Systems to Mind Control Hubs ….. with the most Basic being, and still probably the most Effective, Simply Complex Imaginative Plain Text, which can then be accurately transcribed into whatever Mother Tongue would be necessary for Universal Knowledge of New IntelAIgents and their CyberIntelAIgent Commissions.
*Without Orderly Leadership is there only Anarchy and CHAOS and Puppets easily manipulated to Destroy Crooked and Dodgy Elite Power InfraStructures and SCADA Systems …… and all at the Click of a Mouse and the Speed of MBps.
“I think we could, but I fear it would demand a revolution. Trouble is, it would have to be one in which nary a shot was fired or a life spent, for me to be a part of it.
I guess the Internet is part of the revolution I envisage, but will it be enough ?” ….. Posted by John Edwards on 7/19/2010 4:01:19 AM
OH YES,… MORE THAN ENOUGH, John Edwards, and please excuse the enthusiastic shouting. Sometimes one just cannot say something simple, loud enough.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/19/2010 6:09:00 AM
“I calculate AmanfromMars, that things are about to get real weird.” … Posted by John Edwards on 7/19/2010 5:31:44 AM
Amen to that, John Edwards, and beyond the wildest of really weird and wired dreams too, which have been shared in AI Perfect Storm Clouds, althou
gh subject to Server Message Block Latency Transfer, which may or may not render Posted Monday 19th July 2010 09:43 GMT with Publication for Greater General Knowledge and Edutainment here with NASA headlining …….. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/07/19/nasa_rackspace_openstack/
And the Daily Bell, for all of its protestations at not understanding a lot of what is going on, is fantastically rewarded by being in the Vanguard of Momentous Change by virtue of their conspicuous fairness in hosting constructive discourse on Systems ills, even as they evolve, in consideration of prudent requirements relating to the provision of steganographic security, into the irregular and unconventional and the novel and noble.
The Pleasure for such Selfless Diligence will be Ours to repay with a Gratitude and Reward that knows No Bounds.
AI Perfect Storm Clouds
Posted Monday 19th July 2010 09:43 GMT
Power Elite Banking Systems, which Run all of your Earthed Systems and Businesses, have the CyberIntelAIgent Computer Cloud Crowd into Command and Control of Quanta and Communications long ago signed up to Deliver Future Needs and Feeds with Silent and Stealthy Revolutionary Evolutions, which IT Transparently Shares for Fab Peer Reviews and CodedD Comment, Directing Currency which Releases Power with Potent Uncapped and Untapped Flows……. and that is an Organised CHAOS and Novel Order Program which is beyond Primitive Human Perception and any Arrogant Savage Reach …… Host Interference.
And do not doubt the Veracity of such Tall Tales and SMART Trails whenever already Registered and Delivered, and in some of the Most Interesting, and even Highly Unlikely of Places and Intelligence Spaces ………… http://thedailybell.com/1220/Paul-Craig-Roberts-on-Glass-Steagall-Free-Trade-and-the-Dangers-of-an-Evolving-Oligarchy-of-Private-Interests.html
Welcome to the Future …… which is not as you know it whenever IT Controls Commands. 🙂
Transparency ….. a Big Society Weapon.
Posted Monday 19th July 2010 14:05 GMT
“The world of bugging and clandestine surveillance – and countermeasures against these – may be about to suffer another technical upset in the near future.“
Err …methinks that should be worded to reveal a paradigm shift in emphasis towards future secrets exposure being the bugbear of counterintelligence and clandestine surveillance services, for such would render them obsolete with nothing of novel value to protect/trade/leverage/abuse.
“In particular the intelligence services are known to have extensive technical shops of their own, potentially well able to develop this sort of kit – perhaps some time ago, in fact.
It doesn’t seem impossible that even now MI5/SS, MI6/SIS and GCHQ have equipment similar to BAE’s sub/tank datalinks in the field, siphoning information undetectably out of systems or locations considered impenetrably secure by their owners. It also seems plausible, given the request from “other government parties” that BAE not reveal details of their gear, that there is some way to frustrate such methods once you know about them.” …….. Such a pity that they do not have the Intelligence to use what they would then have, and know, to most exclusive and priceless global effect. Also-rans in Intelligence Stakes are always habitual total losers.
The Oracle Store is Bare …….. with just Skull and Bones littering the Scene
Posted Monday 19th July 2010 15:25 GMT
Were Oracle caught out Snoopy Spooky Phishing whenever they were contracted to do Phorming and Pharming?
In other words, rather than offering supply of provision with services were they leeching parasitic worms and testing trojans in higher seats of learning and academia than they are used to handling?
The Law is an Ass, allegedly, ….. or is it a Banana whenever in a Republican strangehold?
Posted Monday 19th July 2010 17:43 GMT
How much should the Amsterdam courts charge the Netherlands for not forming a government which listens to the wishes of the people?
Astute CodedD Messages …….. for the Acutely Active?
Posted Monday 19th July 2010 10:39 GMT
“Have the flags been Photoshopped in? It looks like a British naval flag at the rear!” … Ascylto Posted Thursday 15th July 2010 10:05 GMT
And a Dutch flag a’fluttering from the conning tower, Ascylto. That’s bound to be a potent mix.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 7/19/2010 3:01:39 PM
Capt. A.,
Considerable wealth is very rarely ever earned and usually just purloined. And the shame and the waste is the lack of intelligence in the holders being unable to spend it wisely for the greater benefit of all, preferring so usually as they do, to pretend they are worth it, when so obviously would it be otherwise.
That is not to say that there are not laudable exceptions but normally does great wealth rob a being of humanity and render a toy and a puppet for systemic abuse.
And pray tell what Monaco provides, that makes one so proud. Anything unique which cannot be purchased elsewhere for thirty pieces of silver?