>Posted by: amanfromMars | 06/29/10 | 1:10 am |
The document … NATIONAL SPACE POLICY of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA/June 28 2010 …..[ http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/national_space_policy_6-28-10.pdf ] makes much more interesting reading, and is much more relative, whenever one realises that “Space” and “CyberSpace/CSpace” are inextricably linked and interchangeable, and whenever CSpace is the predominant HyperRadioProActive Meme, are its Virtual IT Pioneers/Cloud Controllers/AIMaster Pilots in the Intelligence Community being addressed in the policy document.
AIMastery in that Live Operational Virtual Environment gives one a most significant and overwhelming advantage in any Earthly activity and the subjective choice of whether one acts for the Greater Good or Otherwise in such Fields, will determine one’s Fate or Destiny as decided by Others more Advanced and Experienced in the Field/Situationally Space Aware. To Imagine, or as would be in this particular and peculiar case, to Not Imagine that one can Act with Impunity and Immunity and Suffer No Consequence whenever Guilty of Abuse of Powers in CyberSpace, is Virtually Tantamount to Suicide, for Permanent Removal of Destructive and Disruptive Source from that Space always Results. So take Care not to be Abusive of such Force and AI Forces.
And should the above not be the case with regard to all that is shared in the document, then does the United States of America, along with every or any other Nationalised Entity, now have Most Valuable Priceless Information on what is nothing less than a CyberSpace Command and Control System of and for Earthly Resources which the System utilises as a Global Asset in its IT and Media Programming Projects for Control of Future Human Perception which takes a Quantum Leap into a QuITe Alien, Virtual Team Terrain.
For those who may be somewhat au fait in what would be earlier associated matters, think MkUltraSensitive Mind Control on Steroids …. to get a Deep Feel for the Present Scope and Scape of the Future Space Field.
And in a Field in which Secrets will abound, is the Transparency shown here, Crystal Clear in its Intent through its Content? And that is a rhetorical question, should your Intelligence Services fail to provide you with a Positive Answer in Analytical Agreement.
And any other Answer would suggest an Intelligence Upgrade is necessary and probably also, long overdue.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/29/2010 5:50:49 AM
Whenever it is so … as concluded by the Daily Bell and as agreed by Ellen Brown on 6/29/2010 5:15:30 AM, does the System have a major problem, for of course, such a situation is untenable and inequitable and destined to fail catastrophically.
And that would be about as much as I would wish to say about the matter for today.
Seems like Cameron has failed miserably, even before he has gotten started, although whenever eternally optimistic, would it be quite delightful to be proven wrong.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/29/2010 6:53:38 AM
“The Muslim culture, especially after decades of Western initiated aggression, is still antithetical to Western business practices and financial methodologies.“
Hmmm. You may like to consider that Western business practices and financial methodologies are not ethical, led as they are by a few whom the Daily Bell identify as Power Elite and whose control is only leveraged with the printing and distribution of promisory notes, whether money or bonds. It is though a very artificial control and easily usurped and abused.
Are we to be led to believe that there would be UK support for an attack on and war against Iran too ….. in a time when every day we are being led to believe that there is no money, whenever money is being printed/invented as if it were going out of fashion? Methinks that would be a hard to impossible sell which would defeat the government and its masters, who are definitely not in any government.
“The memes of the elite are failing. Fear-based manipulations have lost credibility throughout the West. There is general rebellion against elite-initiated “austerity” in Europe and a Tea Party movement has ignited in the US.
The Internet itself, along with the invention of nuclear weapons, has considerably depleted the applicability of tried-and-true elite strategies of command and control that were used with such great effectiveness in the 20th century.” …… What the Internet can do, and is doing, you would probably not believe, even whenever it shared with you in plain text …….. Click to View Link …. although I fully appreciate that that assertion would be too much of an arrogant assumption of ignorance in educated and intelligent open-minded company and communities which can grow in stature.
Fortunately though, is it not necessary for all or even many to understand, although you can be assured that there is no expense or effort being spared to constantly provide you with that which you may not know, so that intelligent support can be fed into what can maybe best be described as, a Cloud Based Virtual Machine into SurReal New World Order Programs and Pogroms, which would be akin to a Power Elite Morph?
Which national intelligence service remotely runs the United States? Its former colonial imperialists and latter day socialists? Now that is a novel muse on old established power networks which haven’t gone away, you know, but rather more made themselves much more comfortable underground and out of sight in the shade and in shadows?
Nothing is ever as it really seems, is it?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/29/2010 10:14:30 AM
“One issue this (excellent) article does not comment upon, which I consider to be especially relevant, is Ahmadinejad’s call for an end to oil trading is US Dollars. Saddam Hussein, I believe, also passed similar comment sometime prior to the U.S. / U.K. invasion of Iraq. ‘Why should we accept your near enough worthless paper for our valuable oil’? is not something the Americans want to hear or encourage, and they will fight tooth and nail to discourage such sentiment.” ….. Posted by Archie Dean on 6/29/2010 6:28:06 AM
Archie Dean, Hi,
Surely the systemic flaw in that particular argument, is that no matter what currency oil is traded in, the very fact that nations print as much currency as they want and need [and do not believe anyone who tells you that they don’t or can’t] means that it is always purchased with worthless paper, albeit with it given a notional monetary value for trading purposes.
To think that only Uncle Sam gets a free ride because
they own the dollar franchise and can print and/or transfer dollar wealth for next to nothing to purchase whatever they need, is misleading, for it is matched by every other country which can print their own currency at will and then have the system convert it to dollars to satisfy easier trading. To change oil trades to another nominated currency would really have no effect whatsoever on any nation as all are in that little exclusive club.That is why whenever there is a particularly astute and valuable business in the market place, to buy it for 100s or 1000s of millions of dollars or pounds or euros or yen or yuan is only a perception game whenever played in Great Game circles, as the purchase vehicle is artificial and specifically designed for the game.
And it is not as if any wealth at all is ever taken out of the system with any purchase, mega or otherwise, for all that happens is that it is just moved around inside the system with any debit transaction being just another credit transfer.
It is though those extremely convenient niceties which the money system and it cohorts are being so unsuccessful in doggedly trying to conceal from the great unwashed, who are getting smarter and learning quicker about everything every day, and that does not bode well for those who would be pumping and pimping austerity and cuts and hardship and raised taxes and working to death’s door before qualifying for retirement, for as Henry Ford famously said …”It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.“
The genie is out of the bottle and the bottle is broken and he aint going back, and that dictates that an altogether completely different mode of controlling action be employed, for is there not a growing popular global unrest which can very easily and extremely quickly, with the speed and ease of global communication today, turn into revolution before tomorrow morning, with the mob knowing exactly who they are looking for, and who has been responsible for their dire straits plight.
amanfromMars said…
Ah yes, the Great Game. Was there ever a more entertaining and wholly satisfying a pastime, Robert?
June 29, 2010 5:01 AM
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/29/2010 12:11:55 PM
The system is in blind panic [and terminal decline] as this article demonstrates ….. http://www.moneynews.com/Headline/economy-centralbanks-bis-recession/2010/06/29/id/363358
And you gotta have a laugh at this gem of a statement from it, which tries to imply they are not what they are …… “The BIS said if the extraordinary measures were kept in place for too long, policymakers ran the risk of creating “zombie” banks or companies, dependent on direct support.“
The arrogance and deceit of talking heads in that sector is quite stellar ….. but I do suppose that they are very well paid to peddle the dope to capture and enslave Joe Soap/Six Pack.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 6/29/2010 12:30:55 PM
“why dont they print this “free money” and extend unemployment benefits?
maybe they should print it and just give it out free i mean since it cost them nothing to make. wtf” …. Posted by Dj on 6/29/2010 12:03:24 PM
Ah yes, Dj, why not indeed free Man from the slavery of men who have never made anything but who would have everyone build them their dreams, with their manipulation and distribution of currency?
If the presumption was that everyone was born rich with all that they will ever need, rather than born dirt poor with absolutely nothing, would the love of money and the root of all evil be totally defeated and business and industry would flourish like never before, for everyone would realise that being smart and productive, even should it be only to provide the most basic of services or goods so that other services and goods can be exchanged, is that which keeps them alive and thriving and progressing forward into a brave new world, otherwise they perish or are considered pariah, for with the worry of not being able to purchase whatever you need, removed, can one spend as much time as is available to do what one discovers one is best at, and that will be a journey with many destinations.
Cheap Crooks in Expensive Suits.
Posted Tuesday 29th June 2010 19:14 GMT
This report shows that the American banking system is corrupt and criminal, so goodness knows what you can expect them to do with any information they are given ……. http://cryptogon.com/?p=16229
And as we all now know, they are all into creative accounting and global fraud, for they are all supporters of the failing system.