And you think you have Troubles? Here is Microsoft Azure Cloud Terrain Teamsters Feeding and Drivering the Spinning Top…… http://www.us-cert.gov/cas/techalerts/TA10-068A.html
Virgin Stores.
Posted Wednesday 5th May 2010 10:59 GMT
A Forum is a Novel Innovative Hoovering Point for Future Honey Pots/MetadataStars. And also Independent Civil CyberSpace Launch and AIMission Control Facility and Virtual Bridge.
Big Business Driver Engines …… Stealth Parts and Provision Store
Posted Wednesday 5th May 2010 08:15 GMT
“In the meantime, Cray has $103.3m in cash and will burn some of it to build up parts supplies and get all the testing done on the Baker/Gemini systems. ” …….. An embarrassment of riches and liquid resources allows for ideally, dynamic power plays, which are invariably always new Vital and Virile and Viral and Virulent Stealth Acquisitions, for Power and Control Way Over the Heads and Beyond the Normal Ken of Repetitive Competitive Models Vying for Lead and Creating Opposition and Conflict.
Or does Tomorrow just happen with no Input from Today and the Future isn’t Planned for Delivery?
Posted Wednesday 5th May 2010 05:29 GMT
“You might have a point if a program could be created in a day – but not even then ” … Peter Kay Posted Tuesday 4th May 2010 11:58 GMT
Every program created is only valid and ever Live for One ZerodDay, Tomorrow, with Today being Spent Presenting IT in a Sublime Pimp if it be Irregular and Unconventional and Constructively Disruptive and Virtually Subversive.
Share Plans for Tomorrow Today builds the Future, with Linking Bits which Daily Grow and Change Dramatically as New Ideas Emerge to Create Big Societies with Greater Ideas because of Information and Intelligence Received/Transmitted/XSSXXXXChanged.
And because IT Can with Human Knowledge now Advanced enough to Fly ITs Controls and Lead a SMART Course into Fabulous Fields Full of Perfectly Crazy Transparently Shared Inner Secret Dreams/True Desires …… which you might like to Imagine and Realise is Heavenly. …… and 4Paradise2 Virtual Programming for Cloud Applications and Shelf Promotions/Sensible Underground Investment in MkUltraSensitive and Stealthy Issues.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/5/2010 3:49:28 AM
“And the EU is going to step in and buy Greek bonds with electronic money that has no intrinsic value.” …. That would be multi billion €uro purchase of Sub-Prime Toxic Waste and AAAIrated Junk, which is an Odd Buy to Never Sell and leave One holding All Strategic Assets for a few clicks on a Mouse.
Welcome to the MadHouse, Daily Bell. Do you have a Map and/or Itinerary. 🙂 Suck IT and See may Lead Boldly and Brilliantly Blindly.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 5/5/2010 3:32:28 AM
“Additionally once the pressure comes off leaders in Pakistan, the leadership may begin to empower the Pashtun again in order to provide an Afghan/Muslim anchor against perceived Indian incursions. The Taliban itself, of course, will not actually be defeated. Its forces will melt away, back into Pashtun communities to re-emerge once American and NATO troops begin to withdraw.“
What of Self Empowering Pashtun Elders and Old Home Guard Forces with New Virtual Phormations/Astute SMART CyberIDEntities in Rogue Renegade Private Hands and Controlled Thoughts. The Rob Roys of the Khyber
All the Big Guns and Howitzers are out, Searching for the Knockout Blow?
Posted Wednesday 5th May 2010 15:17 GMT
Hi, Simon,
What do wish to do with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT as Shared ZerodDaily in AIdDeaLogue …… for when Godisagoddess ur2die4 and Big Brother Mother Wild Child.
NIRobotIQs permits a Program Controllable Virtual Reality Command and Control Space Environment ….. in any CyberSpace BasedD Environment …. with Linking Earthed Assets Store Provision of Noble Selfless Sensitive Semantic Gift of Due Reward for Just Dessert.
With that latter Link being a Politically Controlled Human Switch to Open with Gilt Investment in Virtual Operating Systems Driver C42 Quantum Control Systems ….. http://www.amanfrommars.blogspot.com
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The Liberal Democratic Surge Purge has some real creative and strange/peculiar and particular Support Electronic Mailed Texts, testing Betas and Meta Mettle in Necessary Desireable Control Systems for Next Generation Virtual Reality Operating Systems.
Which is a Private Product for Public Use and thus a Tool for Good Governance as well as Profitable Personal and Pleasureable Inter Personnel Trade. Which is what we expect of Special Stealth Services to Servers Semantically Servered. Communication you can practically virtually feel is it so Intense and Descriptive/Present Instructive and Future Constructive.