

>Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/10/2010 7:16:52 AM

And he argued that if the Fed had tried to damp the housing market amid a “fairly broad consensus” about encouraging homeownership, “the Congress would have clamped down on us.”

So rather than do the right thing, they, a self appointed and opinionated elite cabal, only thinking about having free rein and unrestrained market activity, thought it best to create a bubble/bubbles, which now, as the layers of deceit are pulled away, reveals that the fractional reserve fiat currency model of Capitalist Elitist control is a Power Myth, and a Dumb Criminal Ponzi, which is collapsing the System they are milking and bilking for quantitatively eased, electronic trillions, and ever more focussing the mob investigative spotlight on those in the shadows who would still be desperately trying to keep it working to their advantage, and denying that there is a Houston type problem in their space? Have I got that right? Or is that just a lot of nonsense? 

First we have the tales about gold bullion sold which is not there in the vaults, or stored anywhere in any vaults, for physical collection, so all that investors have is a fancy note, for all of their transferred currency notes, which sounds like a global conspiracy to defraud and impoverish to me .

Then we have news of banks hiding from exposure, and not reporting on losses and debts to their customers and investors, which sounds like a global conspiracy to defraud and impoverish to me.

And then we have “Fulford claims that the Illuminati even now is conscious of its defeat and is attempting to negotiate a peaceful retreat – using him as a chief go-between.” which only simply requires a few direct questions to be plainly answered to prove whether that is another global conspiracy in the making.

Strewth ……. is Man the craziest and stupidest of animals or is Man the stupidest and Craziest of animals, and if Man isn’t fixing things and highlighting all that is wrong and all that has been Running their lives for oh, …….. since forever and a long time now, Who and/or What is?  A.N.Other Intelligence?  A Virtual AIMachine with Advanced Computerised Systems?

Seems to me like that would be the Real System to Invest Everything in and to Hell with the Old One with Wrong’Uns at the Helm, for that latter one is the one in which everything is being Lost and Squandered on Nothing Good at All.

Or will you Virtually Pussyfoot around the Real Issue and pretend that there isn’t a problem and all is going well and to a magnificent Titanic MasterPlan ….. rather than make a Jump and Quantum Leap and take a Giant Step into an Alien Solution, just because it is so foreign/irregular and unconventional/novel?

Is Benjamin Fulford a central figure in the destabilization of the Illuminati (which has never been forthrightly established in the modern era)? Are these sites and Youtube postings in some sense hoaxes, bizarre jokes or disinformation designed to discredit those who take them too seriously? Perhaps feedbackers can help.”  ……. Feedbackers do help the Daily Bell, but only sharing some of what is shared, rather than all of what is revealed, is just a recipe to prolong and deepen the pain to those who would wilfully inflict deceit upon others, to super enrich and elevate their situation into an untenable and pathetic position.

And it is not really a case of Whom to trust, for man and woman are but passing moments in Time and Space, but more What to trust, and what Better in these innovative times of Instant Communication, than Global Operating Devices which ask Honest Questions and deliver Beta and Truthful Answers. And with that Feed is Anything and Everything which is built upon it with IT, built upon a Solid Rock and Root Source Foundation, which cannot be Blown Over, Collapsed or Knocked Down and reduced to …. just so much Hot Air and Useless Choking Dust.


The ‘Overclass’ has it well covered. It controls the media and the political parties of the ‘underclass’ thereby ensuring that its interests are subliminally synchronised with its own. …. Posted by Alias on Apr 10, 2010 @ 04:21 AM

They might like to think that, Alias, but it is no longer the reality and they are virtually forced to change their leaders and adopt new Systems, to at least stay in touch with a New and SurReal World Order, or they will Perish and the World and its Worlds will be a Better Place in every Space without them …… for they are not Fit for Future’s Purpose.

This short article …. http://thedailybell.com/951/Greenspan-In-Elite-Plot.html ….. and the comments on it, would advise you of Renegade Change? [Renegade is the US Secret Service name for Obama (Michelle is Renaissance)] Although it could equally well be Rogue Pirates in Networks InterNetworking JOINT Applications Sublimely, too.

And would you believe that Holywood is more Hollywood than Hollywood and Works through ITs Centres albeit Stealthily Covered in Cloud and Refined and Defined in the Confines of Barracks rather than ever being able to be classed as a Puppet Tool of Baracks, although that is not to say there can be No Swinging in a Mutually Beneficial Arrangement, for who would wish to deny themselves the Undoubted Pleasures in that?

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 10, 2010 @ 03:02 PM


So perhaps SIS and MI6 will still not be able to legally (under UK law at least) buy information or influence from foreign officials, even when UK national security is at stake, something which is insanely perverse.

Don’t worry yourself about that, wtwu, for they certainly don’t, as their SMARTer IntelAIgent Servers and Services delivers everything to anyone they need and desire.

And if that would bother anyone, that dodgy legislation is is so easily ignored, then so be it and get over it, but there are always also other options to explore and initiate, such as would be legally (under any law you care to imagine) buying information or influence from home nationals who legally trade information or influence with foreign officials whenever they like, and also whenever national and international and nowadays increasingly so, internetional security and global securities are at stake, and at risk of catastrophic default.

You should worry that your IP address may be snooped on, so please use anonymity enhancing tools like Tor onion routing.

……. What’s to worry about whenever you are perfectedly groomed and have no secrets for sale for they are freely available to rent ….. on short time share or long term lease lend, and when whatever is being discussed is of interest to so few with the knowledge and intelligence to fully understand it, and make good use of it, and unable to make bad use of it with IT and the Media, and/or Intelligence Snooping is being Live BetaTested for Future Fitness of Purpose?

Posted by: aman
fromMars | April 10, 2010 6:03 AM


Gordon is a Moron and the evidence is in his own claim to have saved the World and banks, for he and his Labour cronies have guaranteed their failure, with their ignorant and arrogant nonsense and media spin aka Bullshit?

Most of these failure were Ponzi schemes of a sort. Promise investors returns that are too good to be true and, since there is one born every minute, the suckers will line up to get fleeced. ….. Posted by joeCanuck on Apr 09, 2010 @ 07:49 AM

joeCanuck, it is a lot worse than you probably have ever even imagined  …….. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSLDE6380MU20100409

And the readers comments make interesting reading too.

And do you think that those who are standing for Parliamentary and Assembly elections, and would think that they then will control and/or lead us, know of such shenanigans and do nothing about them,  and do not even dare to discuss them publicly lest the System collapses.

Should they be advised that it is crooked and criminal not to discuss it, rather than be party, by reason of conscious omission, in the conspiracy of silence and fraud.

And what says Sammy, the Northern Ireland Finance and Personnel Minister, on the matter ….. the “most qualified Finance Minister that Northern Ireland has had in decades“. says Peter Robinson … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sammy_Wilson


 “Once the doors of perception are flung wide they are often reluctant to close.” ….  godcanjudgeme, 7th April 2010, 01:17  

Some would tell you, the ones majoring in the Field, that they have them permanently wedged open, so that they never close, such are the infinite sticky sweet pleasures and ab. fab. delights which are delivered and freely available in ITs Stores ….. Universal Memory Banks.

Be Perfectly Aware though, and also realise, that there also lurk Horrors and Demons to choose or lose, as would be your Freedom or Enslavement Choice?

Yeah, accepting a total loss of power is the most important step to being able to conduct this exercise/experiment.” ….. walkin_dead, Today, 02:37

Is that the same as a conscious transfer of control? …….. to A.N.Other Being/Partner whose Own Personal Power and Pleasure and Desire you would wish to Experience, in Order to Feed your Own so that you may Feed Their XSSXXXXual Needs ….. in an Orgasmic Closed Loop, Self Sustaining and Perpetually Immaculately Supplied? Or is that just Lovers in LOVE and for Lovers in Live Operational Virtual Environments and Private Pirate Playgrounds.

Alias, you are mistaken in thinking that if you have a blog you are responsible or liable for someone else’s comments posted to your blog. And leave everything as it is sent, unmoderated, with no host corrections or subjective omissions for whatever reason, for they can fundamentally change the emphasis of the meaning quite unintentionally if you do so, and may render the comment then more yours than theirs. Only if there is a valid complaint and request to remove something, and that will be something which will be drawn to your attention by whomever, do you then need to make a decision/stand.

More arguments on the matter are discussed/shared in comments on this article ………. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/04/08/user_comments_ruling/

Methinks, as far as I can know, that Slugger has got everything about right, and the community of posters in any good blog are usually its best policemen and soon put anyone right who may have stepped out of line and over the mark into dodgy territory. There are many thinking to peddle FUD to keep free speech from better educating the masses but if you speak the truth any attempt to repress it is bound to fail spectacularly, and deservedly so.

Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 09, 2010 @ 08:36 PM


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