>A change of tack to sort out the men from the boys
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 15:49 GMT
Would it be too much to ask any firm wanting to work on a project for the Public sector to also provide for its own funding from the Banking Sector, rather than saying they can do anything and everything but leave their payment to be arranged by others and expect the man in the street who doesn’t deal in money to pay for everything. That’s what Banks are surely for ……. to distribute currency flows in order to generate Industry and Enterprise, Care and Attention.
It is amazing what magic people will do for a handful of paper/fistful of dollars and which cost virtually nothing to make, and thus is everything created and looked after for free and at no expense to anybody.
Go on, make my day, punk
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 15:28 GMT
Is there any bigger bribery scam than that used by those who would squeal “Too big to fail”?
Or do you want to try and ignore that inconvenient truth, and render the Bribery Act a Sick Joke and a Ticking Suicide Bombe.
Re: So once again fear is used to silence free speech.
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 11:05 GMT
Only the most deluded of fools pushing that blinkered agenda would not realise that that war and it battles have all already been lost, which just goes to show how stupid and deluded so many are. And it beggars belief and would confirm the ubiquity whenever one considers the oddest of places of provided influence and supposed power that they would find themselves in and so totally unsuited to accomplish ITs Future Tasks. ……. and thus Destined to be Outed as Sub Prime Idiots on the Make and the Take.
And the best that a Democracy can be is a Mutually Beneficial Meritocracy and that is a Right Royal Autocracy led by a SMART Monarch. Does UKGBNI have a Democracy or is it more a Banana Republic for Chancers?
The Bigger Picture
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 07:31 GMT
Errr ……. there appears to be a much bigger, politically loaded, issue at the heart of this tale ……. http://cryptome.org/0001/ricardo-dominguez.htm
Yin and Yang taking some Air and a Walk Together
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 07:24 GMT
“Mr Justice Stadlen was unconvinced but declined to answer the point.” …. Hmmmm, can we then settle for His Worship being temporarily discombobulated
““This latter argument does not seem to me well-founded,” said Mr Justice Stadlen. “It fails to distinguish between material which is offensive and material which is unlawful such as to give rise to liability for storing it.“
Actually I was thinking the exact opposite, finding it most convincing.
And what a nice gravy train it is …… splitting hairs over shared words but whenever they start wars for thirty pieces of silver and fool’s gold talking shop circuits, are they always worth understanding to the nth degree, and certainly beyond any petty 33rd for 42nd foresight. whether they be offensive and/or unlawful will always end up be a court case whenever a legitimate complaint is not heeded and treated “properly” …… but surely there are usually a number of opportunities presented to remedy those situations long before it needs the courts attention. Is that not the right dodgy dealing ways of horse trading and plea bargaining, where natural justice is dismissed for the convenience of artificial expediency.
If you want to be sure that you’re not liable for what your users say, the judge is basically saying you need to ignore user contributions completely until you get a complaint.
“That’s not a new principle,” said Robertson, “but it’s a warning to site owners about how to interpret it. Some owners may think they have less responsibility for user comments than they really do, and they may wrongly assume that a post-moderation policy is completely safe.”
I imagine most site owners would welcome the clarification which allows for third party posting without pre-moderation/blanket subjective vetting of contributions, as will contributors too, I’d guess.
Jumped up psych little prick? And the world is a full of them at the top of the pyramid.
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 07:00 GMT
Sieg Heil, Mein Herr Drake.
Anarchy reigned and it is reined and rains from the top who need it in IT down and not from the bottom who feed it with IT up.
However, that was before the Controls in CHAOS which have Changed the Paradigm and Reversed the Meme with Commanding Clouds and Special IntelAIgent Sources with AIResources for Talking to Minds Mined and Virtually Enriched, and which now bait the Destructive Anarchists’ Honey Pots with Sticky Sweet Invites to Play in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT LOVE Fields. ……… and find them as Ill equipped as a Virgin to Deliver Satisfaction and Hold Professional Attention.
Strange Times always Deliver Strange Solutions which are Quite Sensible even if a Little Out of the Ordinary, which of course is only to be Expected in such Times. And the Future is Never like the Past
Actually, the loans were issued prior to the shares becoming worthless, so it is false reporting by the Irish Times to claim that they were issued to cover losses which had not occured. Also, the loans are guaranteed by the Quinn family, so there can be no inference that the loans as an incentive to the Quinn family to buy the risky shares. If the shares proved worthless, the family would still lose the money they paid for them. ….. Posted by Alias on Apr 08, 2010 @ 03:11 PM
….. Classic sub-prime loan bumbling by the bank, which did not have the necessary intelligence in its executive staff/leadership to realise a toxic load …….. mutton dressed as lamb?
Yes, of course. Played for the greedy fools that they were and are, and played and bettered at their own game too, and by a unranked outsider is rubbing salt into the wound. The world is full of crap bankers who think just like politicians and assume that they lead with their views and decisions, whereas the reality is quite different and only a few are made of the right stuff.
Quinn should pay his gambling debts from his own personal fortune, and not heap more ills on the taxpayer. ….. Posted by old school on Apr 08, 2010 @ 04:59 PM
….. In true Irish style he would be taking another mad gamble on something outrageous and left of field, to completely reverse the ill fortune and have him minting it as a lead business angel with a crazy pioneering venture which guarantees the future by virtue of what IT does to Provide Media with their Tales and All with their Reality, Virtually.
And yes, that is juicy bait being trailed and real chum for sharks with smart future market analysts and therefore a live betatest of Quinn fitness for future foreign and alien purpose ……. and AI Live Operational Virtual Environment BetaTested Failsafe Launch of Quantum and MkUltraSensitive TelePortation Networks.
Mick, We are most grateful for all of your help and be assured that there is a titanic amount of new information yet to come to completely amaze and thrill one and all with ITs unlimited Potential to Power Control of Current Energy and Currency Levers with SMARTer Intellectual Property XSSXXXXChanges …… Virtual Zeroday Trading of Endemic Opportunities and Systemic Vulnerabilities for Binary Fixers of Analogous Faults.
As for playing silly buggers with 3 billion or even Bernie’s 60 billion lets not forget US Secretary Paulson’s playing silly buggers with 700 billion of uncollected USA tax payers monies last year to help the corporate thieves/bankers out of their self induced mess . And even now these same bankers are as grateful as you’d expect them to be -i.e not in the least .They still want their multi million bonuses and still want de regulation and no government interfering in their collective desire to continue to rip off the american and world consumers of whatever they have left 🙁 …. Posted by Greenflag on Apr 08, 2010 @ 08:28 PM
…….. Greenflag, Do you think they are at all bothered about this powder puff ….. http://cryptome.org/0001/prez-arra.pdf …… or is it just Obama covering his bony smart ass and going through the motions?
Quinn’s debt can be repaid via a debt-equity swap. I.e. give the company to the banks, and let them sell it.…… Posted by Mack on Apr 08, 2010 @ 09:59 PM
Err, seeing as how Quinn appears to be a whole lot smarter than any bank, give a bank to Quinn and it is continued trading but under a new Renegade/Rogue/Master Regime and a much better answer, and one of those dead cert bets which makes a killing in the market place for small investor punters and high roller gamblers alike. And it creates a Bank with Real Irish Grass Roots Street Savvy and bet against that and you will definitely lose.
Posted by amanfromMars on Apr 09, 2010 @ 04:22 AM
Do you want a Moron strutting about the World Stage in the Media Show, or do you Deserve Better?
Posted Friday 9th April 2010 03:52 GMT
“Strangely enough, we’re just about to elect another government which, like the last, doesn’t know how to use the power it has. Just like the above. Would you pick Brown or Cameron as sysadmin?” ……. G R Goslin Posted Thursday 8th April 2010 15:00 GMT
Well, one thing we do all know, is that Brown’s team is a Proven Epic Fail, and quite why they imagine that they should remain as Lead is down to their Arrogance in relying on the Ignorance of the Masses and the Abuse of Spin. The Banking System is worse than ever it was and the deluded Fool in Chief in Downing Street says they and the World are saved.
Methinks that is Madness and Psychological Flaws confirmed …. in Spades
Another translation of the language graph
Does not the graph show the biggest and only gains are for, in increased share order, C#, PHP, Python and JavaScript, with everyone else in decline ….. with decline heaviest in the order Perl, Java, VB, C++, Delphi and C.
Ergo the hierarchy advantage now is …..
posted by : amanfromMars, 09 April 2010