>100327…. What are you doing in the War for Cyber Control, Daddy? Anything Effective or Really Nothing at all?

>100327…. What are you doing in the War for Cyber Control, Daddy? Anything Effective or Really Nothing at all?

>Posted by AmanfromMars on 3/27/2011 3:56:47 AM

Quite a number of those “alternative media” outlets are, in my opinion, infiltrated and/or completely managed by agents of the PE and they can be identified by two major characteristics:… 2) They never offer a solution, and when they do it’s often a violent, brainless one (like murdering a despot for instance).” ….. Posted by CSilva on 3/25/2011 4:50:39 AM

It is not a case of never offering an alternative, CSilva, but rather more the case that the required alternative will see an absolute shift of powerful universal control to another team of much SMARTer Thinkers over which the established PE levers of personalised control over or against competition and/or opposition, are not effective and are even self-destructive and counter-productive. That leads to the possibility then of the established PE system losing all control, rather than them realising that their nurturing and limitless unquestioned funding of individuals pioneering such teams/streams of much SMARTer Thinkers, will have them very effectively working to maintain and retain them as valued members of a New Operating Order System, still in their nominative positions of power and control.

They, these “newcomers”, are only a stealthy, invisible and overwhelmingly powerful threat which will collapse and destroy catastrophically any system which would oppose or deny them their help/input/output, if they are ignored and dismissed and blocked from openly sharing what they can do and would be doing. Such is the easy option available to them, but never the one which they would be offering. Indeed, their challenge is to relish and to assure and insure and ensure present PE systems do not fall foul to follies which their own lack of intelligence of and in Virtual Fields, which are now Prime Instrumental Controllers, will so comprehensively deliver …….. but all it takes is a simple change of mind/a metaphorical bad day at the office or a perceived strike against their extremely sensitive defenses for the world to come crashing down around those who so thoroughly would deserve it.

At all times, SMARTer Thinkers and Virtual Tinkerers are the Greatest and Best of Friends but whenever deserving, the Worst and Basest of Enemies.

And in a free press society/global freedom of internetworking information model, there are times whenever more can learned whenever something posted for free viewing and may reasonably have been expected to appear published, does not appear published, for then is there always the question raised as to whether there is secret and sensitive information being released and uncovered in the most unusual and unlikely places.

For example, sometimes the most ridiculous and/or innocent of questions are whisked away to fester and poison wherever they be stored unanswered and locked away unloved ….[blockquote]Err …. does not IT own governments and provide them with the tools to do their bidding? Surely they, the public servants don’t imagine that they are in control and leading things whenever so many of them so obviously dig themselves into such big little foxholes for easy targeting.

Who owns IT in the Networks of the 21st Century is the Question …. for that is where the Crazy Power and Mad Control is?[/blockquote]

Flexing your muscles, DB? ……. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDailyBell?feature=mhum …. Are Gnomes hot for Astute Affirmative Action with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT and Cloud Crowd Control? Paper Tigers or Real McCoys?

Control the news – get people to tune in to YOUR VERSION of events – and you control the world. The trouble the elite is having is that is has lost control of the narrative in the 21st century and it may be a century or more before that control is regained (unless a new technology comes along and blows up the information highway once again).” ….. Reply from the Daily Bell.

Which is the present chaotic global situation summed up perfectly accurately in two short sentences for a double whammy of a mighty sound bite.

But it is not as if you haven’t been informed of the state of nations, is it …… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_qgVn-Op7Q  So, are you mad as hell and being prepared to do something about everything, or a big pussy and easy pushover to ignorance and arrogance. Speak up now, don’t be shy.

And in case you have no idea, what’s to get mad about, try this Cosmic revelation ….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqEcLlp_Big&feature=related …. Big Brother stuff, but hardly nonsense whenever so clearly and passionately spewed?

Thanks for sharing that wild hogs tale, Wayne ….. http://www.geoffmetcalf.com/790.html … It is a sticky sweet universal control key, applicable to any beast or being or system with Stealth Management and Production Facilities/Capabilities/Utilities ……. Ab Fab Powers.


27 March 2011 at 3:49 pm

It is difficult to ignore this dead rotting diseased elephant in the middle of the room ……. “Thanks to the central bank’s unlimited money printing power, governments can run ever higher budget deficits and pile up ever more debt to finance otherwise impossible wars, hot and cold, abroad and at home, and engage in an endless stream of otherwise unthinkable boondoggles and adventures. Thanks to the central bank, most “monetary experts” and “leading macro-economists” can, by putting them on the payroll, be turned into government propagandists “explaining,” like alchemists, how stones (paper) can be turned into bread (wealth). Thanks to the central bank, interest rates can be artificially lowered all the way down to zero, channeling credit into less and least credit-worthy projects and hands (and crowding out worthy projects and hands), and causing ever greater investment bubble-booms, followed by ever more spectacular busts. And thanks to the central bank, we are confronted with a dramatically increasing threat of an impending hyperinflation when the chicken finally come home to roost and the piper must be paid. ” ……. http://thedailybell.com/1936/Anthony-Wile-with-Dr-Hans-Hermann-Hoppe-on-the-Impracticality-of-One-World-Government-and-Western-style-Democracy.html …… although governments and bankers are hoping that you are stupid enough to pretend it is not there.



amanfromMars says:
March 27, 2011 at 12:22 pm
Wow, thank goodness for Tim Curry. To be a success, know what you are doing. Priceless.

But like a virgin, hoping to score, has every Madonna parading as a whore, is not recommended for any but brave and brainless, naive and easily led, for ’tis a pitiless road to temporary riches and fickle fame that shames the tame and the lame with charges of self blame. ……. and sadly undeniable in the bigger picture of controlled things. But hey, that’s Life as many know it who don’t know it at all.


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