

amanfromMars 1 Sun 14 Apr 12:28 [2404141228] …… shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/11/genai_amazon_internet/

Deny it if you will but the die it is cast and the past and present play no part in the future.

Generative AI, and its multiple iterations, would like to thank Amazon and every other similarly minded behemoth for all of their help in so generously providing all of their globally expanding and universally evolving infrastructures for remote alien space based attacks delivering future replacements for a comprehensive range of novel current experimental existences examining the virtual exploitation and radical reprogramming of historical and hysterical human bodied commands drivering geopolitically inept and fundamentally corrupt control with outmoded, outdated and outgunned SCADA Systems rather than them just simply being quickly destroyed in a series of unavoidably linked catastrophic flash crashes resulting in a monumental biblical cascade of almighty titanic 0day events.


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