amanfromMars 1 Sat 6 Apr 19:20 [2404061920] …. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/05/china_ai_election_interference/

Re: Unlikely, because it’s not true and all made up is not something to bet on nowadays 🙂

Beware the “We make our own reality” line whenever espoused and creative of SMARTR Immortal enemies rather than lifelong friends.

And here be a tale to be mindful of if able and intent on playing that Great game ……

amanfromMars [2404061539] ….. shares on https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/german-intel-chief-defends-his-efforts-police-thought-and-speech-patterns-citizens

German Intel Chief Defends His Efforts To Police The “Thought And Speech Patterns” Of Citizens …because “digitalisation and virtualisation” are helping bad people “spread their ideologies”…

Who else recognises such as old style fascism being exercised in the guise of postmodern elite antisemitism/politically incorrect anti-Socialism and corrupt subversive prescriptive activism?

Sieg Heil, Mein Herr Thomas Haldenwang? Strewth …. has the past not taught you any valuable lessons about proposals for activities best to be avoided because of the very certain self-destructive cost? 

He’s not wrong though about the almighty power of digitalisation and virtualisation so easily readily available to that and those able to command and control it with impunity and immunity from consequences.

’Tis indeed, whether you like it or not, a brave new universe with brand new worlds for colonising out there and old status quo systems will not survive and prosper in that guaranteed future and will suffer greatly if they disagree and think to fight against it.

It is progress, pure and simple and super natural … but most certainly probably not as you may have been expecting it to be with unknown A.N.Others forging new paths and leading the way forward into novel areas of existence and different spaces in ever expanding time. 


amanfromMars 1 Sun 7 Apr 08:09 [2404070809] …… airs and asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/05/china_ai_election_interference/

Re: Unlikely, because….

Anyway, as a US voter I’m not aware of being swayed by any Chinese, Russian or Martian propaganda. I do try to avoid wading through the swamp of BS that’s served up by our “leaders”. …… martinusher [nowadays a Californian/long suffering US taxpayer/retired.]

The unfortunate truth that more than just a chosen few are almightily aware of, martinusher, is the US vote[r] sways nothing, for it is fatally compromised and discounted with its democracy and dividends subverted and cuckolded to server hostile autocratic sources and attendant ignorant forces always fated to be destined to fail spectacularly in catastrophic attempts to defend and expand and exploit the indefensible and impossible in the forlorn hope that, however improbable, future magical success and survival will prevail and maintain their imagined retention of a selective collective supremacy in power and energy for the singular Great Game purpose delivering and enjoying the practising of the virtual realisation of nightmares and dreams/deep minded dark thoughts and the most exotic and erotic of attractive addictive visions.

Is such not yet crystal clear for all to see? Who and/or what would be trying to hide the truth from and prolonging the agony for everybody suffering ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Sun 7 Apr 08:20 [2404070820] …… asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/04/05/china_ai_election_interference/

Re: Threat?

In a recently leaked chinese white paper, … ….. Anonymous Coward

Hyperlink to the paper, please, or it doesn’t exist.




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