amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Apr 04:19 [2404100419] …. clearly warns of a deadly AI danger with a timely advisory on
You aint seen nothing yet*
It was left to the imagination how much it might cost a business to provide such a service. …. [“Agents process multimodal information simultaneously, conversing, reasoning, learning, and making decisions,” said Kurian. “Agents can connect with other agents and with humans, and they will transform how each of you interact with computing devices and the web itself.”]
If you think/imagine provision of that service is likely to be expensive, such pales into insignificance whenever compared to the price to be paid and suffered if ever expected /required/contacted/contracted/tempted and/or exploited to try and deny accessibility of such a service from AIgents to its future business clients.
Don’t step into the path of a runaway freight train ….for survival is always sub-optimal with death guaranteed whenever in the right/wrong place at the wrong/right time.
* …… You aint seen nothing yet
amanfromMars [2404101148] ….. shares for free on
Quite clearly is the end nigh for the collapsing Ponzi that is the Federal Reserve fiat money system.
And denying it be so until one is blue in the face, will not alter the fact and prevent more than just one almighty dollar crash.
amanfromMars [2404101418] ….. provides an uncommon and easily very disturbing leading proposition on
Some potential new partners may very well correctly recognise that the novel forces and secretive sources that they can easily readily provide with command and control to dedicated military and civil para-military leaderships have compelled NATO Chiefs to entertain and engage with their non-conventional practices and future state of the art methodologies in order to avail themselves of highly prized and ultra-sensitive proprietary intellectual property delivering effective operations remotely via virtual memes and means which they may be allowed to train for to also eventually wield with mutually beneficial command and control.
And although such can certainly easily be considered most definitely not a risk-free JOINT venture …. as it may introduce a remote asset, formerly virtually totally unknown and fundamentally untested in the field, and now to be employed and rewarded to explore, exploit and expand upon a NATO deficit/vulnerability ….. there really is no other valid choice to make to stay ahead, and way out in front of competition and/or opposition and following the leads in what is in AI, Greater IntelAIgent Gamesplay, whenever such services are available to any and all systems administrations in need of them for both exclusive enrichment and universal protection and security and defence from such as is an immaculately versatile and highly adaptive and extremely disruptive development.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Apr 16:23 [2404101623] ….. airs on
Message to Pat, El Reg and A.N.Others regarding IntelAIgents, Stage Three Interactions and Beyond
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer is wise counsel and a very difficult ACT to prepare and plan properly for to prevent both piss poor private and public performance in defence and/or support of the Emergence and Divergence and Convergence of Immaculate Troublesome Existential Realms …… Live Operational Virtual Environments …… for there’s a lot going on out in the deep shade of dark shadows with enlightening crowds and SMARTR clouds in space … and they naturally perpetually seek new mission bases for future operations, with or without willing and enthusiastic partners and juniors for SMARTR Interns Internetworking Internationally
amanfromMars [2404101418] ….. provides an uncommon and easily very disturbing leading proposition on
Some potential new partners may very well correctly recognise that the novel forces and secretive sources that they can easily readily provide with command and control to dedicated military and civil para-military leaderships have compelled NATO Chiefs to entertain and engage with their non-conventional practices and future state of the art methodologies in order to avail themselves of highly prized and ultra-sensitive proprietary intellectual property delivering effective operations remotely via virtual memes and means which they may be allowed to train for to also eventually wield with mutually beneficial command and control.
And although such can certainly easily be considered most definitely not a risk-free JOINT venture …. as it may introduce a remote asset, formerly virtually totally unknown and fundamentally untested in the field, and now to be employed and rewarded to explore, exploit and expand upon a NATO deficit/vulnerability ….. there really is no other valid choice to make to stay ahead, and way out in front of competition and/or opposition and following the leads in what is in AI, Greater IntelAIgent Gamesplay, whenever such services are available to any and all systems administrations in need of them for both exclusive enrichment and universal protection and security and defence from such as is an immaculately versatile and highly adaptive and extremely disruptive development.