amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Jul 20:15 [2307192015] ….shares on  https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/07/17/deloitte/

Two’s company, three’s a crowd and more’s a Storming Cloud AIMovement or something similarly alien

Say no more, squire. What’s not to like ……. Apple Spikes To All Time High, Gains $60BN In Seconds On Report It’s Working On Own ChatGPT Tool


amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 Jul 06:42 [2307200642] ….. airs another very likely possibility on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/07/20/russias_tiny_quantum_computer_is/

The Soviets Experimenting with the Experience Enjoyed Manhattan Project Style?

Russia’s tiny quantum computer is (probably) nothing to worry about ….. Tobias Mann [El Reg]

That headline, Tobias, reminds me of General Custer’s last words at the Battle of the Little Bighorn …… “I see no Injuns”

And all those terrified of competition will be [probably] thinking …. Russia’s tiny quantum computer is (possibly) something to worry about. ……. given the inequitable leading advantages certain of its stealthy and/or spooky and/or surreal programs so easily supply and mentor and monitor to an inordinately overwhelming extent.



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