amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Aug 05:30 [2208100530] …… reports on
Finally … some Real ACTual Progress ‽ One could almost imagine there are Machines Revolting.
There’s no denying the fact, Jessica Lyons Hardcastle, IT is a Juicy Lucy lush target rich environment becoming ever more impossible to easily command and remote control corruptly for perverse inequitable self-centred gains and elite exclusive exquisite executive advantage.
However, as strange as it may be, ….. and it is probably that old qubit quantum communication thing kicking in, where and when a this is also a that and together they be something else quite different and able to change at will into practically anything …… IT is also a Juicy Lucy lush target rich environment becoming ever more possible to easily command and remote control corruptly for perverse inequitable self-centred gains and elite exclusive exquisite executive advantage.
That makes for a more than just interesting and crazily chaotic future if basic missteps are made and payments which are deemed worthy to parties for their diligent restraint ensuring a mutually beneficial continuity of present activity which prevents guaranteed markets collapse and intelligence communities carnage are missed …… or not, as the case may also be.
[For whatever reason as yet here unknown ….This post has been deleted by a moderator …….. which is not a usual sort of action/reaction/proaction from The Register]
amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Aug 12:15 [2208101215] ……. says more on
Re: Finally … some Real ACTual Progress ‽ One could almost imagine there are Machines Revolting.
” If one’s words are not better than silence, one should keep silent.” (Kwai Chang Caine) …… ghp
Sound advice sadly and badly being unheeded by at least two non-fictional Conservative Party members presenting zero credentials guaranteeing their proposals any chance of successful engagement and premium product provision for Prime Ministerial Media Role Play, ghp.
More of the same just delivers more of the same squared. What is it that they say about lions led by donkeys which is the present status quo situation?
Surely a Real ACTual Change, El Reg/El Regers, is long overdue and to be heartily welcomed. What do you have to lose ….. other than the chains which capture and captivate you ‽ .
It is not as if you have to be able to do anything yourselves, is it, whenever everything can be so easily done remotely for you by A.N.Others.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Aug 05:48 [2208100548] ……. points out the huge elephant in the room on
A Rigged Market
Simon, Hi,
Long before the advent of cryptocurrency, all of the woes for which it is now cited as encouraging …. speculative trading, making the ransomware industry possible, and helping authoritarian states like Iran and North Korea to acquire materiel for weapons. ….. was the exclusive preserve of fiat currency and there was never any great fuss about that, was there?
So what does that tell all of us?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Aug 09:29 [2208100929] …… adds more on
Re: A Rigged Market
a) there was a fuss, which is why extensive banking regulation was brought in to control and monitor such transfers
b) The reason bad actors moved to cryptocurrency was because the regulation worked ….. hammarbtyp
Oh please, you cannot be serious. Who on earth told you those dodgy myths have been and are working well, hammarbytp?
File them alongside the one about the arbitrary punitive raising of interest rates the Governor of the Bank of England is routinely obliged to insist is effective in controlling and defeating inflation rather than creating more profit for banking systems in the throes of existential collapse and investor exhaustion.
Have a well deserved downvote for that rampant misinformation which is so despicably misleading and counter-productive.