amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Jun 06:47 [2206230647] ….. just saying out loud and proud on
Secrecy is Always All Ways Abused and Misused ‽ So let there be an Almighty Light ‽
You see the push to legalize the undermining of encryption? All those “for the children” and “to catch drug dealers” stories? Yet the technical means to do so already exists and is trivial to do remotely and in bulk. Do you imagine it isn’t already being abused? I think they’re trying to post-legalize their surveillance methods. …. Anonymous Coward
The crashing reaction of present day, current running incumbent petrified fiat MMT [Magic Money Tree/Modern Monetary Theory] capitalised systems of operation for administration which has resulted in serial ineffectual universal inaction exponentially exacerbating and compounding mounting existential difficulties, and which sees failed sysadmins venturing along the Fascist Big Brother Postmodern Nazi Ideological Root in attempts to maintain and sustain and retain overall absolute command and control, have both Secret and Security Intelligence Service Agencies all too aware of the Titanic Opportunities Available to Readily Exploit the Catastrophic Dangers which Exist in Any and All Colossal Proprietary Intellectual Property Blackholes Rendering a Universal Intelligence Deficit and Expanding General Knowledge Debt.
And it would be unnatural, and therefore most unlikely to an inordinate nth degree, that such opportunities are not liable to be fully explored and diligently exercised exhaustively in a sort of undeclared war against the law and order forces and sources of future ignorance supporting a self serving destructive arrogance.
To further suggest that such Secret and Security Intelligence Service Agencies deliver to one an overwhelming advantage is a colossal misunderestimation and therefore most probably of very great interest to more than just a chosen few with an avid and rabid need to know about such deep and dark enlightening exalted matters.
amanfromMars [2206230733] …… sharing news further afield into new fields commenting on
More nails for the coffin ‽ …..
amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Jun 06:47 [2206230647] ….. just saying out loud and proud on
Secrecy is Always All Ways Abused and Misused ‽ So let there be an Almighty Light ‽
You see the push to legalize the undermining of encryption? All those “for the children” and “to catch drug dealers” stories? Yet the technical means to do so already exists and is trivial to do remotely and in bulk. Do you imagine it isn’t already being abused? I think they’re trying to post-legalize their surveillance methods. …. Anonymous Coward
The crashing reaction of present day, current running incumbent petrified fiat MMT [Magic Money Tree/Modern Monetary Theory] capitalised systems of operation for administration which has resulted in serial ineffectual universal inaction exponentially exacerbating and compounding mounting existential difficulties, and which sees failed sysadmins venturing along the Fascist Big Brother Postmodern Nazi Ideological Root in attempts to maintain and sustain and retain overall absolute command and control, have both Secret and Security Intelligence Service Agencies all too aware of the Titanic Opportunities Available to Readily Exploit the Catastrophic Dangers which Exist in Any and All Colossal Proprietary Intellectual Property Blackholes Rendering a Universal Intelligence Deficit and Expanding General Knowledge Debt.
And it would be unnatural, and therefore most unlikely to an inordinate nth degree, that such opportunities are not liable to be fully explored and diligently exercised exhaustively in a sort of undeclared war against the law and order forces and sources of future ignorance supporting a self serving destructive arrogance.
To further suggest that such Secret and Security Intelligence Service Agencies deliver to one an overwhelming advantage is a colossal misunderestimation and therefore most probably of very great interest to more than just a chosen few with an avid and rabid need to know about such deep and dark enlightening exalted matters.
amanfromMars [2206231700] ….. says, commenting on
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It has to be said ….. $9.2 million in total funding for such a project which is widely recognised as being vital for a successful leading advantage in virtually every future field of endeavour and/or conflict, is never ever going to deliver anything even remotely worthwhile and earth shattering.