February 24, 2022 at 09:53 …….. shares on https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2022/02/our-argument-in-court-today-full-text-of-our-submission/

Does anyone remember what happened the last time internment/imprisonment and the repression of free speech and/or an alternate undeniably more believable narrative was trialed and trailed in the UKGBNI with mainstream media and the BBC being muzzled and disenabled to share a dissenting voice?

Did it not create and produce a resulting number of decades of guerrilla terrorism/urban warfare/paramilitary activity and “The Troubles” from the later 1960s onwards?

Was nothing learned by those one might expect to be aware of such a folly and now practising leadership and deciding active policies in the highest of executive public office positions?

Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy Worlds. Use and share them wisely. Your future existence is formed and delivered by them.


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