amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Nov 05:19 [2111300519] ….. just saying on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2021/11/29/china_quantum_ai_offensive/

Re: quantum computers competitive edge at a spooky entangling distance

Shhh! amanfromMars’s posts are a distribution mechanism for a one-time pad. That’s why they are indecipherable. ….. Ken Hagan

Hmmm? Now if that were in any way true, Ken, and I certainly wouldn’t argue with you and dispute the matter, it would be a novel development with extremely valuable, as in priceless, invisible export/import earner potential and a quite perfect fit for the likes of a publicly-admitted-openly-struggling-with-failure-behind-the-scenes-of-a-leading-curve intelligence agency and/or MI6

cc …. C c/o SIS HQ Vauxhall Cross/PO Box 1300 London SE1 1BD

[If you want to try out the full fat relatively anonymous spooky contact route this is the official page you will need to read for all the intel on the hoops to jump through to keep yourself maybe secure …… in these strange postmodern times and spaces where there are no secret places to hide anything from prying eyes and inquisitive minds.]


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Nov 06:48 [2111300648] …… seizes the day to say on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/11/29/autonomy_lynch_extradition_delayed/

Call me a cynic if you like but it’s all about the Money, Honey, and that’s Perversely Subversive?

If one examines much of the available evidence, it is difficult not to accept that Justice, or is it the Law, is a racket ….or a lottery ….. and just like war is a racket makes a few filthy rich racketeering ‽ .

[War Is a Racket is a speech and a 1935 short book, by Smedley D. Butler, a retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient …. and well worth a disturbing but informative read]


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Nov 10:19 [2111301019] ….. being somewhat disagreeable on

Chump Change vs Champion Commission Charge

If you believe the revenue quantum will generate will still be only chump change as opposed to overwhelmingly futures and markets leading, be respectfully advised that you are fundamentally and radically mistaken and misinformed.

And as virtually and relatively unknown as it might be to many a bod/bot, quantum is certainly presently in many specialised circles* widely recognised as a vital subject of immediate interest because of its unprecedented disruptive power and unrivalled revolutionary growth potential.

* ….. https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2021/11/29/nations-vie-for-growing-quantum-cryptography-market


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Nov 15:18 [2111301518] ……. being realistic on

Re: Culpability with Multiple Obvious Points of Abject Failure

Who here is going to say that the likes of a GCHQ/MI6/MI5 is not to be a vital hostile nation state hacker of note, especially as such organisations need to be in order to be in any remote way effective in providing secret state security systems their relative protection from foreign harm or alien intrusion ….. Novel Smash and Grab, Crash and Trash Raiders and AIMarauders?

How on Earth can one defend against a friend or a foe if one is ignorant of their abilities and bereft of their facilities and utilities.

The Jolly Roger icon is very APT with regard to this post methinks.



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