GrahamC [2108020733] ……points out a hurdle to dispense with on
A good lesson to learn is that emerging technologies which deliver an overwhelming unstoppable advantage may be the proprietary intellectual property of others, initially certainly widely unknown, and registered resident in a foreign land/an alien space …….. and statutory requirements that preclude them from contributing and working on just the sort of sensitive nationalised programs and military projects which might supply such an inequitable advantage to Uncle Sam, guarantees serial defeat in the field.
Exceptions to that perverse self-defeating rule are vital to consider in order to quickly aid progress with success. Think no further or deeper than the case of Wernher von Braun to realise the wisdom of that observation.
Although, whenever such a situation is discovered ….. a proprietary third party product elsewhere which is admired and required …. it is surely extremely easily legitimately purchased with just a stash of flash fiat cash. It is certainly how any opponents or competitors of Uncle Sam would seek to resolve their deficit at no real apparent difficult cost to themselves.
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August 2, 2021 at 08:59 …….. states surely that which should be pretty obvious on
It is most odd that some would be thinking that to attack the unmasking of unpleasant and inconvenient truths is something to be supported rather than result in revolutionary reaction and stealthy proaction in stalwart defence of such an honourable calling, which is fundamentally natural.
Failed state systems invariably spectacularly fall prey to that simple observation.
Craig’s treatment and the shenanigans of some of those entirely responsible for it have reached a much wider audience via this popular portal ………
amanfromMars 1 Mon 2 Aug 13:57 [2108021357] ……. mentions on
Nice Work if you can get it ….. Promise the Stars and Supply Diddly Squat for a Small Fortune.
Obviously, surely, someone somewhere has said targets are achievable, for such is what gets the money to flow to changing systems developers/leaders. The fact that they are not yet achieved and be deemed rank unachievable are surely indicative of a monumental fraud by those agents/shyster/hucksters/snake oil salesmen/call them what you will, unable to deliver what they promised, and something by all accounts here on El Reg is most probably still being actively perpetrated and perpetuated.
Is that typical of such public contract work in the UK? And is it invariably unpunishable with no one suffering any meaningful punitive penalty for responsible accountability?
One imagines that must make such a farce a very popular and lucrative activity amongst the less than honest and wholesome, and a right rotten blight and crippling blot on any landscape and many a vision. That it be allowed is a fool weakness which invites relentless exploitation.