amanfromMars, Sat 31 Oct 09:30 [2010310930] …… having a say on https://bankunderground.co.uk/2020/10/29/hubble-bubble-valuation-trouble/

A NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT View on Relative Relevant Matters which Directly Impinges Upon and Fundamentally Alters Sovereign Bank Immunity to Systemic Risk and any Guarantees of Protection against Catastrophic Collapse.

Since Covid-19-related crashes in March, major stock indices around the world have bounced back. This is despite little or no recovery in corporate earnings expectations which are tanking and in many/most cases have been particularly decimated. This is, and those bounces are, unfortunately as a result of increased forward-looking price-to-earnings ratios, rising above long-run average values in most large advanced economies and approaching record highs in the United States, and which are not realistic.

Commenting on such valuations, some market participants have suggested there is ‘a great deal of optimism priced into the market’ and that stock prices ‘cannot defy economic gravity indefinitely’. With those fanciful canaries in the coal mine long ago stone dead, it is high time market participants exited the wishful phantom range of options trying to breathe new life into the lame duck dead horse pit ponies/Modern Monetary Theories of the past in order to concentrate on and to deal with the new opportunities in the present that reveal an altogether quite different set of Fabulous Futures and Attendant Assisting Derivative JOINT* AIdVentures** ….. Novel Optional Market Hedges present with Absolutist Virtual Commands in Practical Overall Control of the Cyber Space Realm. The limitless profits and unassailable advantages in the latter eclipse anything and everything the former may imagine itself being able to achieve and retain/sustain and maintain …… and which is essentially bordering on “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” which would agree with “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

I thus commend and recommend the former’s use by the BoE and would even identify the conduit of this form of Contract notice as a readily available, suitable means for immediate silent stealthy delivery of all necessary novel programs.

And as an invisible export to any other sovereign banking system, is its worth significantly enhanced way beyond anything that could formerly have been imagined and realised as possible and therefore most likely extremely probable.

Such however is fully to be expected with regard to anything and everything working at the coalfaces in the code mines of the Cyber Space Realm.

The Questions asked here now are plain and simple ….. Does the BoE have a leading market interest position in such Emerging Cyber Space Realm Matters with Spectacular Opportunities to Boot and Reboot whenever deemed necessary? And if not, why not? Or does it primarily reside and preside somewhere else foreign?

* JOINT ….. Joint Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies
** AIdVentures ….. Advanced IntelAIgently designed Ventures.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 31 Oct 14:09 [2010311409] …… saying a few words on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/10/30/bank_of_england_plans_46m/

Re: Peanuts are for Monkeys…. Crown Jewels are for SMARTR Enabling of Systems ….

Er… what?
I think this is a bot ……. tel2016

And were you to be advised it is not, tel2016, what then would you think?

And what if you were confronted with the following opening paragraph posted to a bank underground blog entry entitled Hubble? Bubble? Valuation trouble?

A NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT View on Relative Relevant Matters which Directly Impinges Upon and Fundamentally Alters Sovereign Bank Immunity to Systemic Risk and any Guarantees of Protection against Catastrophic Collapse.

Would you think it bot trouble best ignored or worth the risk of further futuring engagement lest it be enthusiastically employed elsewhere by A.N.Others opposing and/or competing in practically identical and similarly lucrative fields of asset management?

Would simple disbelief permit it further unhindered deeper passage to where it be best entertained and appreciated?

Surely bots are just dumb machines, or is that what they used to be and now things are somewhat different and confusing?



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