amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 May 08:25 [2005020825] ….. says on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2020/05/01/nso_whatsapp_california/

IT aint rocket science ….. just simple common latter day postmodern sense

Everything and everybody is spied upon by someone and/or something. Get used to it and realise secrets are easily dangerous to have and counter-productive to use exclusively. Don’t be a convenient fool and think otherwise.

This public service message is brought to you in support of your mental health.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 May 16:18 [2005021618] ….. adding a tad more on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2020/05/01/nso_whatsapp_california/

Re: IT aint rocket science ….. just simple common latter day postmodern sense

Take it from a former/current great games play player/guinea pig, where such mental health was and is tried to the very outer limits, and agree and acknowledge in entirety the truth in such observation. ….. Cliff Thorburn

And strictly for the adults in the room with no need of prisoners to seed and feed, CT. Future Survivors rather than Present Slave Masters …… with Myriad Works in Progress to Finesse with Temporary Completions …… Pregnant Virtual Pauses 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 May 16:01 [2005021601] …….. let’s fly on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2020/05/02/uks_ncsc_whitelist_blacklist/

Re: Depends.

Using correct, descriptive names for functions and variables usually helps with comments. …… Benson’s Cycle

Apparently, and as I have oft found and been told, such is not always the case whenever new descriptive names for functions and variables are thought unbelievable and/or too good to be true and nonsensical.

It is easily enough resolved though with the virtuous application of a bit of patience and as much extra information as is needed for an advancing intelligence to paint an accurate picture for fuller presentation and deeper comprehension.


amanfromMars [2005021649] …….. musing on https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/berkshire-hathaway-reports-50-billion-q1-loss

Berkshire’s money managers explained away the unrealized ~$55 billion loss in Berkshire’s stock portfolio as “largely meaningless,” since Berkshire isn’t planning on liquidating any of its positions.

MRDA …….  Well they would say that, wouldn’t they

If Berkshire Hathaway are not now seen to invest in something new and highly profitable and most unexpected, the markets will realise them a dinosaur in the making. A shambling follower of thought to be safe and secure trends rather than dynamic sure leader.

The short time to each next quarter will reveal all that is needed to be made known.


amanfromMars [2005021808] ….. just advising of programs running on https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/trump-signs-executive-order-shielding-nations-power-grid-attack

FUD + SNAFUBAR = WTF and will someone please turn off the lights on the way out into the MADness and Mayhem, Joy and Pleasure of CHAOS in LOVE. Thanks. You’re gonna need all the powers and energy that you got just to survive and prosper.:-)

CHAOS in LOVE [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems in Live Operational Virtual Environment] …… One of those crazy DARPA IARPA AWE type things

AWE ….. Army Warfighting Experiment

Now surely, you are not actually expecting everything to go back normally to anything like it was before this most recent of novel global emergencies/flash cash crashing pandemics? That would be quite delusional and have one easily charged with flirting with insanity.

This time is everything certainly different.



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