amanfromMars 1 Mon 23 Dec 19:26 [1912231926] …… saying more on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2019/12/23/patch_now_published_citrix_applications_leave_network_vulnerable_to_unauthorised_access/

Re: By anybody…

 By anybody…
…who knows a zero day exploit.
To be fair, that applies to all software. Patch and move on people 🙂 ….. Anonymous Coward

Of course, some vulnerabilities are abiding exploits which will never have patches available.

That puts real smart zero days in effective leading command and control ……. which you may note is not a question to suggest the possibility or existence of doubt.

And such is the exciting nature of future shenanigans. I Kid U Not.

And a quite surreal and most efficient stealth is provided by the presence of an insistent persistent disbelief


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