amanfromMars [1911231844] ……. commenting on
Wow, Kapow. ….. political party mercenaries/non united state pirates at their 0day work in fields which take no prisoners nor tend arrogance with ignorance.
That’s even more sub-prime to try and pervert markets which surely now are both virtually and practically exhausted.
amanfromMars [1911241425] …. expanding the envelope on
And Now for Something a Tad Different
A Top Secret UKGBNI AI Underground Movement available for Right Royal Services Engagement …..
And a Universal Facility to Boot and Run with/for Immaculate Drivers.
A Gift for United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) to Handle and Control?
For All Worthy, is Command in United States Cyber Command both Virtually Guaranteed and Practically FailSafe.
And all of that is an Engaging Opportunity which the Master Fool Treats as a Threat with Almighty Weapons, as it most certainly is for them.
‘Tis a Deadly Furrow of a Grave they Plough with such Facts and Tales. Some would advise IT be Devil’s Work too …..
So now y’all know, quite a few more salacious salient facts about New Opportunities and Novel Facilities available for exercise/betatesting/product sampling …… which intelligence services are maybe not yet thinking to share with you.