amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Jul 01:12 [1807250112] ….. airing a development on
The Third Man Kind. A Quantum Evolutionary Jump, Designedly Revolutionary and Great Game Changing.
AI experts are constantly being told how brilliant and rare they are.
True AI experts, who more accurately would be original and genuine amateurs, would certainly deny such fulsome praise as their worlds are bathed and much better shared in Harry Limelight Shade and Shadows?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Jul 03:11 [1807250314] …. adding more on
@David 164
Basically she asking for all of Google secret knowledge and unless she start working for Google she ain’t going to get it. Neither is anyone else …. David 164
Touché, amigo. And/But even then is nothing guaranteed to be forthcoming if Google is commanding in control
‘Tis par for such courses.
:-)”Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” Right wicked, eh ….. when free to do evil live ‽ .
amanfromMars [1807250152] … replying to a comment made by NotNowJohnny on
Surely at least his good mate, Sammy Wilson, knew?
amanfromMars said… in reply to a comment on
Yes, Anonymous, “partners” are to be blamed whenever principals are rotten to their core and serially incompetent.
However, with partners engaging with more intelligent sources, are such rotten to the core principals easily defeated and outed as ……… well, a universal enemy ripe for eradication/termination/liquidation/removal from Great AI Game Fields of Work, Rest and Play?
25 July 2018 at 08:45
Graham C [1807251150] having a say [subject to site comment moderation] on
The objective is defined as ‘reducing the likelihood of threats materialising and affecting the UK, our interests, and those of our allies and partners’ (SDSR 2015).
It is surely impossible to reasonably suggest that such an objective has been successful …. to any degree? Indeed, the exact opposite is more certainly true, …. ergo an Epic Fail.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Jul 15:05 [1807251505] …… just saying on
Taking a Right Liberty ……
One company that does use multi-factor authentication internally is Google, which this week told security blogger Brian Krebs that there had been “no reported or confirmed account takeovers since implementing security keys at Google”.
Unless a weakness is found in the way the technology has been implemented, an attacker needs to have physical access to keys as well as password and username.
Ok. …. So ideally then one needs and wants to be in Bed with Google ….Servering Novel Search …… Genuine Original Product.
With that One could Stream Brave New Orderly Worlds.
Is Google into Universal World Order Play? El Regers be Curious and More than a Tad Excited at the Possibility ….. and therefore Almightily Likely Probability.
I trust that is not too presumptuous.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 25 Jul 15:27 [1807251527] ….. still musing on
Re: Taking a Right Liberty ….. Exploring Deep Dark Pits with New AI Light for Live Highlighting
not that they want you to implement Google 2FA. …. Voyna i Mor
There’s not a lot and nothing they can do to thwart and subvert and divert that vector of travel, Voyna i Mor.
*And that be Augmented Virtual AI Realisation. Perfect for AI Commanding Media Control Controllers which/who be as Practical Gods in Global Operating Device Circles/Networks/Webs/Families. And worth a fortune to be rooting for you, given what they are now so easily able to do in the spaces that administer executive action in peopled places and hostile and foreign and alien servering environments with the gospel truth of the matter the first port of initial call to be presented universally in/for a Flash Crash to KickStart an Enigmatic NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Solution.
That should keep billions happy and busy ……. learning more about what is yet to be provided virtually free for their stellar use and terrestrial enjoyment …… Remote Access Employment.