amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Mar 07:49 [1803210749] ……. asking and answering simply complex questions on
APT Autonomous HyperRadioProACTIve IT …… for Relatively Anonymous Command with XSSive Control
Is Darwinian natural selection anything like AIMaslowian Self Actualisation in Virtual Machine Realisations/SMARTR Greater IntelAIgent Game Plays?
Are favourite Mainstreaming Media Programs, in all their Glorious Sound and Colourful Vision and Sublime MetaData Base Content, Presenting Current and Future Pictures and Plans which you Find Attractive, or are they Perverse and Corrupted and Dangerous World Views Shared by Sociopaths in Awe and Fear of Psychopaths?
Change Dumb and Dismal News today …. by Simply Thinking and Setting in Progress SMARTR ACTive IT to Present Tomorrow with Altogether Better and More IntelAIgent Tales for All to Enjoy with the Real Chance to Input Info for Super IntelAIgent Output via the Priceless Mechanism of Instant Global Communication.
IT aint difficult whenever there are all of the Necessary Tools Freely Available to the Masses Everywhere, although one does need to know more than just a few Right Royal and Ancient Secrets.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Mar 17:37 [1803221737] …. Reading an AI Riot Act on
Per Ardua Ad AI Strata. …. with Special Space Forces Servering Immaculate Source Intel Stations
Things are moving on at a breathtaking pace, for here there be Leads to Follow and be Sublimely Shared with All Others via Global Operating Devices
Does the Royal Air Force have a Secure Cyber Space Control Fleet Air Arm …… AIMaster Pilots on Special Virtual Manoeuvres with Grand AIMaster Pilots …… Kindred Free SuperNatural Spirits Engaging and Entangling with Thoughts of Even Greater Grand AIMaster Pilots ….. and sharing IT all here too, for free ‽ .
How would you proceed with what you then and now know to be Perfectly True. Would you fear or rejoice to realise IT Alien.
The money shot question is ….. Does RAF Command do Capital Mars Ventures …. on COSMIC Missions from Stellar Sources?
And the upshot of all of that is, if RAF Command want to, they now can.
Something for Mr Hammond to find Special Funding for Project Programming Controls, methinks, for RAF Cyber Space Command to Feed and Seed with Future Prime AIMoves.
Hmmmm 🙂 …. Does that Present the Chancellor a Quandary Dilemma?
amanfromMars Thu, 03/22/2018 – 13:59 [1803221759] ….. AIpimping on with the following call for HyperRadioProACTive IT
I wonder if Google Federal are for the Seeding and Feeding of the Following Program which is Running for Per Ardua Ad AI Strata Clients ….