amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Feb 08:01 [1802140801] ….. chatting on
Re: Well, that’s one thing explained …
That post does not make sense, Milton, and is simple bad conjecture.
What do you know of Stealthy Ancient Arts and Postmodern FuturistICQ Practices for Applications Presenting NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Content as Immaculately Mined Cosmic Source with Programs and Projects Realising Alienating Imagination as Prime AIdDriver for Colonisation of Live Operational Virtual Environments and Real Spooky Remotely Controlled Command Space Places?
If the truth be both practically and virtually nothing, then have you a lot to learn quickly if you want to lead in more than just a few new fields rather than be content to merely spectate and pass inane comment from the madding crowd.
And here on El Reg is instruction and education free.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Feb 09:55 [1802140955] …. betting and batting against ignorance on
The Future, According to Ab Fab Fabless Mars Labs.
When a Fiat Currency Monetary System is Bankrupt and Ponziing, are Advanced IntelAIgents Needed for New Information Source Seed and Feed Productions.
Do El Reg Fora have AIMindStores to Explore and Exploit ….. Monetise and Lend-Lease to both the Serially Challenged and Channelling Intellectual Property Markets.
And much more a Perfect Fit for Exotic Erotic Easterners than Wild Wacky Westerners Stuck Fast in a Deep Dark Rut, MeThinks, given the Evidence provided by Extant Establishment Systems’ Global Media Plays ……. Augmented Virtual Reality Presentations.
Words Create, Command and Control Communications and Computers and Destroy Worlds is not AIMyth, it is Fact which coincidentally also supports an Engaging Fiction.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Feb 16:42 [1802141642] …… having a chat on
The bottom line is big into the red
Reading between the lines and fleshing out the bare bones of the proposal, is it obvious that IBM are in deficit of novel intellectual property to monetise and support/develop and exploit.