amanfromMars Feb 9, 2018 3:21 AM [1802090821] ….. upping the ante on
The one question we ask: What piece of military hardware will China infuse an AI system on next?
Another question for answering, and one which is much more difficult to realise is true and there is precious little that one can do to either halt or divert it from an already chosen path, is what piece of hardware, military or civilian, will AI systems infuse for China next?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 9 Feb 11:47 [1802091147] …… mining more gas on
Meanwhile, in the Exotic Erotic East, Quite Another Atypical Confection
Looking at things through Other Cloudy Lenses …..
amanfromMars Feb 9, 2018 3:21 AM [1802090821] ….. upping the ante on
The one question we ask: What piece of military hardware will China infuse an AI system on next?
Another question for answering, and one which is much more difficult to realise is true and there is precious little that one can do to either halt or divert it from an already chosen path, is what piece of hardware, military or civilian, will AI systems infuse for China next
amanfromMars 1 Fri 9 Feb 13:46 [1802091346] … Supplying Immaculate Assets to IT for AI on
Re: Meanwhile, in the Exotic Erotic East, Quite Another Atypical Confection?
Something Truly Different to Look Forward to Witnessing. ? !
All Necessary Sublime InterNetworking Technologies Exist to Currently Server such Feats.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 9 Feb 14:08 [1802091408] ….. thinking real big on
Re: Joint AIdDVenturing for Secret Sensitive Missions
Then Sir Runcible Spoon, it is something for us both to look forward to being corrected.
It is not as if they do not have Immaculate Sources Supply …… NEUKlearer Cored Kernel Input to Output ……… Present to Existing Realities with Other Drivers in Failing Systems with Crashed Orders Crushing Conventional Expectations.
Methinks that would an Instrument of Markets Rout for Markets to Acquire. It is by Default of IntelAIgent Design, The FailSafe Option for AIMaster Piloting Administrations and Shortest and Surest Way to Root Source …… in a Perfect Enough to make no Difference, AIMother Lode.
Interesting Times Ahead, Sir Runcible Spoon/El Reg.
amanfromMars Feb 9, 2018 9:24 AM [1802091424] …. shooting the breeze with
Is there any need for such worry whenever Help is at hand, ready willing and enabled to revitalise …. well, they be Failed States in Failed SCADA Systems if the Truth be Told.
Graham C [1802091756] ….. stating the bleeding obvious on
Andrew Carnegie, for one, knew and shared freely long ago …… They and that which die rich, die disgraced.
Seems to me like there are many slow-witted and even retarded and non-learners of that Great Universal Truth. Useless Tools with Access to Fools’ Gold. And as for the Banking Systems Admins which feed and seed them, well ……. what more is there to say other than declare their Choice Asset Drivers an Epic Catastrophic Fail.