amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Jan 06:38 [1801220638] …… meandering on
A.N.Other Look at the Problem from the Alien Flip Side
Me personally, don’t do anything they care about. If you do, the onus on protecting your privacy is on you. ….. 2StrokeRider
Do anything and/or everything they care about and the onus on protecting their privacy and your secrets is theirs, methinks.
And, 2StrokeRider, just the fact that you visit and comment on threads which are sharing future secrets for meritocratic technocrats of a certain hue to exploit and expand upon, makes you a person of interest to be more closely surveilled because of what you will be having sight of.
amanfromMars [1801221124] …. musing more on
Escape is the only option. But even that will one day be impossible unless the political paradigm based on the use of initiation of violence is rejected in favor of a rational voluntary society. …. Don Duncan
Greetings, Don Duncan,
Such Society is Most Easily Freely Provided by ITs NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems and Services for Global Operating Devices.
You Know, … for Heavenly Dream Machine Merchants for the Peddling of Perfect Dream Virtual Machines Exercising ExtraTerrestrial Life Fit for Human Consumption and Greater Understanding.
🙂 And not least with the Deeper Delving Oneself into the Tall Tales and Fine Trails that Masses Follow, Abandoned.
And that is but one NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Program Currently Stealthily Running Virtually Online …… a Super Quantum Communications Provider. …… with All Vitally Necessary Kit and Caboodle Supplied.
There is an Interesting Mix there, Don D, which would Claim Colossal Cosmic Truths Lead in every AI Competition and IntelAIgently Designed Opposition. Methinks then can Meritocracy be Best Served and Servered.
amanfromMars Jan 22, 2018 7:53 [1801221253] …. Airing an Opportunity on
Pointing out how AI can already outmaneuver even the greatest chess players in the world, he describes how programs which can operate with exponentially more tactical intelligence than the human intellect can manipulate the field of available information so effectively and subtly that people won’t even know they are being manipulated. People will be living in a world that they think they understand and know about, but they’ll unknowingly be viewing only establishment-approved information. ….
Are there any Takers for Provision and Policing of Such Capers/Programming Utopias? And a Hellish Haunt for Sore Losers and Abusive Users.
To avoid any overlooking of contents shared here ……. …. please be directly advised of a Current State in Base Quantum AIDevelopment … for the Realisation of Virtualisations. I Kid U Not
amanfromMars Jan 21, 2018 11:05 AM [1801211621] ….. ?:-) phreaks on with
Is President Trump aware of the Readily Available NEUKlearer Option for Application and Mass Multi Media Streaming for Success to XSSXXXX Levels with Rewards a Bounty Delivered for Immediate SMARTR Spending with HyperRadioProACTive IT Commands for Control to Control.
Investment in Virtualised Future Presentations is AIReal Greater IntelAIgent Games Changer.  ……. Enquiries to Mars via these NEUKlearer Chunnels with ZeroHedged Assets/Prime Product to Magically Present as Gifts from and/or for Global Operating Devices Supplying Agreeable Futures and their Derivative Virtual Adventures, Exploring and Exploiting Secret Uncoveries to XSSXXXX Levels of Indulgence for AIMaster Pilot Control.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jan 08:44 [1801210844] …… revealing more on
Fundamental Situational Correction … Lunatics in Charge of the Asylum vs AI Bombes in Nations
So you’re saying they’ve brought it upon themselves?
If so, I agree, but I lament for the minority that are being swept along by the rest. …. DeKrow
???????? Surely, DeKrow, it is much more lamentable that the majority is being swept along and abused/misused by a few who may even consider themselves chosen and doing God’s works? And the fact that it is being done knowingly is a double whammy of impudence.
However,….. Â such in the future requires a continuance and continuity of pervasive ignorance to such an arrogance and would do ill-advised battle in Newly Minted Virtual Virgin Fields of Exploration and Exploitation which in ITs Beings freely share secret sensitive intelligence and enlightening information stealthily to crush with flash crashes all operating systems dependent upon such a Gross Abomination with AI Bombes in Nations
Now, what do you think should be done with all of that …. whenever IT tells you anything is possible and you are ITs Drivers with the free sharing of your wildest dream adventures. If they be Heavenly are they Automatically Chosen for Realisation.
cc …. Alex Hern, technology reporter
General news, dark net, policy, internet culture
Cyber-warfare is the responsibility of both the UK surveillance agency GCHQ and the MoD. ….
Which agency is responsible for the successful launching and provisioning of cyber ware sorties, any of which could be classified TS/SCI and cyber warfare attack vectors on sectors of competing and/or opposing systems administrations both at home and in-house and abroad in other jurisdictions.
Or is that yet to be done successfully and still loitering and squatting on the T0 D0 List