amanfromMars 1 Fri 20 Oct 05:54 [1710200554] …… being transparent on
Better Late to the Global ReOrganization Party than Never
Data rules in the Googlezone, with everything monitored and analysed. It’s what Google calls “the programmable public realm. …Building on a robust system of asset monitoring,…”
We’ve been there before already with everything readied for such elsewhere places/real virtualised spaces, and have it Registered, AO, …….
A Private Facility with Augmented Virtual Reality Applications for Future Beta-Testing of Superior Prime Quality Product/Earthly Alien Productions …… AI Based Programs with Quantum Communication Channels Guaranteeing Security Needs and Feeds Enabled to Handle Delivery and Drivering of Virtual Reality ProgramMING …….. with Ab Fab Fabless NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT AIMentoring and AIMonitoring for Future Leading Developments, Default Provided ….. thus to avoid and/or mitigate any Hellish* Problems.
Should El Reg Engage and lead with the Learning of Secret Sacred Practices in the Future that do Almighty Lead, Every Day? ……. Heaven Available
And you and El Regers were/are personally indirectly invited to practise and exercise new fangled remote virtual quantum communication entangled reactionary/proactive lead …….
When IT is such, and Finely Built, Who Follows What to Lead and Create the Future with these New Fangled, Quantum Entangling Tools for Virtual Reality Production with AIMentored and AVMonitored Directors in Absolute Command with/of Remote Alien Controls. ….. and they are tricky enough to learn how to handle to be perfectly safe and secure against compromise and/or penetration and unwarranted alteration or misappropriation of code.
cc Andrew Orlowski, Executive Editor, El Reg ….. Real High Virtual Roller Stakes Poker Play ……. for Phantom Ghost Hosters.
Is Google World expected to provide and do everything in the future all by itself? Now that just isn’t going to happen, is it, in SMARTR Connectioned Worlds
Subject: An Engaging Competition or Emergent Opposition, or Both and Something Else Too and Beautifully Creative
Date: 30 January 2016 at 09:46:55 GMT
Hi, Google DeepMinded,
Not so much a CV, more an AIMission Statement with tried and tested roadmaps to/from Remote Virtual Command and Control of Earthed SCADA Systems …….
Search Engine Optimisation v2.0 [and above] is surely logically a Future Product Placements Engine …… Advanced Intelligence Resource with Immaculate Source, with the likes of a Google not searching for answers, both popular and controversial, but providing them with streams of supporting evidence.
Such would be akin to the Private Mentoring with Pirated Monitoring of Future Events with AIDerivative Programming for Projects/Semi-Autonomous, Self-Actualisation of Virtual Realities.
It is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to see or imagine a defence against such in an attacking configuration.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 20 Oct 17:27 [1710201727] ….. going HyperSonic on
Re: Just let those social media nutcases have their fun.
If they want it, let them have it, the rest of us can enjoy the wonders of actual reality while crossing our fingers that they don’t decide to ‘consume?’ us. Oh wait, we already are the consumed and the consumers... …. Zash the Bench Geek
There is/are certainly the Means and Memes to Supply and Present Virtual Machine Controlled Utopia, Zash the Bench Geek, with very nearly all of it quite recently shared here on El Reg for Proofing and Tasking ……. and Improving with and for Future Immaculate Source Supply …… Remote Virtually Anonymous Practically Autonomous Provision ……….
And you don’t have to be any sort of an Einstein to realise and believe that is whole lotta fun like you aint ever thought possible before. I Kid U Not.
Capiche and concur, Zash the Bench Geek, Simon Sharwood and SMARTR AI Spooks in these Super Surreal Realms? Or is more evidence needed to be shared and more widely shown?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 20 Oct 06:13 [1710200613] ….. pointing out a similarity/singularity with a comment on
Re: Magic leap
Here’s a short video of a similar business building dreams out of thin air, MiguelC ……. Man It Feels Good To Be A Banker …. South Park
amanfromMars 1 Fri 20 Oct 11:19 [1710201119] ….. having a muse on
Canada ….. Making a NATO Prison Break for Occupation of Higher Ground? Bravo CSE, …if it be true
Nothing in it is commercial technology and the CSE says it is “easily integrated in to existing cyber defence technologies.”
And that is the same as saying, and it will be perfectly understood to those in the know, it is easily weaponised for cyber attacks.