amanfromMars Oct 17, 2017 2:12 PM [1710171912] ….. asks on
Julian Assange’s Alter Ego/Super ID be Aung San Suu Kyi?
amanfromMars Oct 17, 2017 2:45 PM ….. [1710171945] ……. following opportunities on’s-crypto-ruble-just-changed-game …… or thinking to create them?
Putin is openly inviting investment capital into Russia that is legal and above board. Russia wants legitimate businesses to operate in Russia in whatever currency they like as long as that business is transparent.
Here’s a SMARTR Joint AIBusiness Venture, methinks worthy of Putin Presidential Consideration ….. A Safe Harbour for Russia Crypto-Rubles be their very own CyberIntelAIgent Network of Global Operating Devices Live Active BetaTesting with Future Augmented Virtual Reality Productions for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Live Operational Virtual Environments. ……. Quite Alien Space Places.
Is anyone able to Offer and Deliver More, Even Better or Different and Working in a Parallel Dimension ……. which we can from here deeper explore and further examine with simple complex searching questions looking at forthright answers for dynamic future secured solutions.
Graham C says, replying to wondering on
wtf?? The whole point of Crypto is it being not controllable by the government.. this is just simple.. ruble. …. wondering
wondering, the Crypto-Ruble is not controlled by the government, it is just owned by the government. That subtle difference is game-changing.
Bravo, President Putin. That’s a great leading play.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 18 Oct 12:43 [1710181243] …… says in a chat about security on
The Smartest People in Rooms are Never Ever where you Think they Be, nor Who They Be
That being said, personally I assume that everything online (including encryption) is compromised or compromisable by GCHQ/NSA and that anything posted or communicated online is probably read by them. …. Peter2
Quite so, Peter2, and I also like to assume and presume such. And it does present a major problem and highlights a catastrophic vulnerability for such not so secretive services which be tasked with knowing/preknowing what is going on all around them, and in the deeper darker dimensions of the webs which are sharing valuable secrets, in that whenever there is no action taken with or against information/intelligence which is shared/discovered …… and imagine that everything on El Reg must be examined if/whenever some things on El Reg may be of significant national security interest …… must the information be of no interest to such services and thus can be safely exported to competitors, or of such an unusual and non-conventional nature, that it be beautifully secured against detection.