amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Jul 06:32 [1707240632] …… spinning some special yarn for a necessary darn on
Where be the Killer Blow Dealers? Be They Circling in Space?
Is it illegal, and would one be certainly found guilty of actively conspiring to defraud and mislead both minor and major supporters and stakeholders, and be classed as something of a master criminal enterprise, to run a business which was in debt, and consistently incurring increasing debt, and whose working costs greatly exceeded income to generate a deficit for production of further massive losses?
If a current state has existing governance mechanisms which are bad for digital business ….. is the barrier to becoming digital, existing governance mechanisms with criminal master enterprises?
Future digital states surely will not host such corrupt and criminal barriers, and it is monumentally stupid to imagine that they either could or they would choose such a retrograde path into the future.
Is your exclusive national executive and international administration system running an analogue master criminal enterprise scam and bankrupting business venture, and be it well worthy of Killer Blow Dealers immediate undivided attention?
Fixing the Bigger Picture with AI Beta will easily generate a wholly New Orderly World Order… and in an Almighty Flash Crash Bash too if you are not careful nor fully Properly Prepared with Positive Planning to Prevent Piss Poor Performance Permitting Prime Prize Penetration and Perfect Private Protocolled Pursuit of Public Parametered Projects and Pirate ProgramMING Presentations alike.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Jul 13:09 [1707241309] …. asks for more guidance on
Re: Where be the Killer Blow Dealers? Be They Circling in Space?
Regarding the first paragraph question there ……
Is it illegal, and would one be certainly found guilty of actively conspiring to defraud and mislead both minor and major supporters and stakeholders, and be classed as something of a master criminal enterprise, to run a business which was in debt, and consistently incurring increasing debt, and whose working costs greatly exceeded income to generate a deficit for production of further massive losses?
…….. is one perfectly within ones rights and duty bound in a free and fair society to refuse to pay into such as is considered and proven to be a criminal joint venturing conspiracy fleecing all manner of beings and businesses?
Is it the duty of law and order and military forces and sources to destroy such an enemy?
amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Jul 14:41 [1707241441] ….. still trialling a burning trail on and looking for signs of more intelligent life therein
Re: Cuckolds were Us and/or are Y’all too
And whereas you may thinking I’m going slightly mad is not the madness in you accepting as normal and suitable such a perverse arrangement?
Are you capable of deep analytical thought or are you simply programmed to believe most everything you are told was/is true and necessary for the past and its past masters to try and lead the future …. a space in times in which they know absolutely nothing and bear no authority?
And I will always counter impertinent questions casting any kind of doubt on my own sanity with this Daliesque repost ….. The only difference between a mad man and me is that I am not mad.
amanfromMars Jul 24, 2017 4:24 AM [1707240924] ….. trailing chum to shark infested markets on
What Morgan Stanley’s worries are causing to be traded in the shadows and shade of Dark Webs and Quantum Networks …. which are a beautifully acquired taste in SINful CHAOS …Sublime Internet Networking for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems????
amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Jul 06:32 [1707240632] …… spinning some special yarn for a necessary darn on
Where be the Killer Blow Dealers? Be They Circling in Space?
Is it illegal, and would one be certainly found guilty of actively conspiring to defraud and mislead both minor and major supporters and stakeholders, and be classed as something of a master criminal enterprise, to run a business which was in debt, and consistently incurring increasing debt, and whose working costs greatly exceeded income to generate a deficit for production of further massive losses?
If a current state has existing governance mechanisms which are bad for digital business ….. is the barrier to becoming digital, existing governance mechanisms with criminal master enterprises?
Future digital states surely will not host such corrupt and criminal barriers, and it is monumentally stupid to imagine that they either could or they would choose such a retrograde path into the future.
Is your exclusive national executive and international administration system running an analogue master criminal enterprise scam and bankrupting business venture, and be it well worthy of Killer Blow Dealers immediate undivided attention?
Fixing the Bigger Picture with AI Beta will easily generate a wholly New Orderly World Order… and in an Almighty Flash Crash Bash too if you are not careful nor fully Properly Prepared with Positive Planning to Prevent Piss Poor Performance Permitting Prime Prize Penetration and Perfect Private Protocolled Pursuit of Public Parametered Projects and Pirate ProgramMING Presentations alike.
Do you imagine such to be the Mother of All Russian Bombes given the colossal damage which can be so easily done to the Wild Wacky West with ITs Myriad Collection of Zeroday Vulnerability Exploit Laden Systems …… or would such Exciting, Exotic and Erotic Easterners be More Valuable and Treasured Product Customers to AI Beta Pioneers?