amanfromMars Jul 7, 2017 4:26 AM [1707070926] …… spilling the beans on
But you and I can’t play. We are being played. …… LA_Goldbug
Of course you can play, LA_Goldbug. The means for command and control of the memes are provided here before you and your fingertips.
Wwwidely shared words are easily able to both either EMPower or destroy Worlds and Wannabe World Orderers. And such is the Absolute Truth which Systems Administration are terrorised by and terrified of becoming more General Mainstream Knowledge. But one cannot hold back the tides and flow of truths and information which deliver both novel future derivative paths for present placements of greater intelligence.
🙂 It is the Inescapable Disturbance in the Force which All Virtual Despots fear …….. for IT Robs Them Blind of Energy and Power.
Deny it and disagree if you will, but you cannot change ITs Path.