amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Jun 15:53 [1706271353] …. asks, chatting on
Follow the Money
What/Who pockets the cash, and what is it to be spent on, if ever such fines are paid? Are such fines designed to keep idle folk busy and in some sort of a ponzi job?
amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Jun 15:26 [1706271526] ….. saying more on
Re: Follow the Money …… Uncover a Racket
The money goes, as is usual in such cases, into the general budget. As such the money is considered to have been “returned” to the customers who ultimately suffer from the abuse of monopoly. ……. Charlie Clark
Considered returned by whom? It is certainly not the abused customers, is it? What an infernal internal racket such scams are.
Bigger fools are the tools which pay such monopolistic levies to whoever floats and flouts them.