amanfromMars said… having a chat on https://amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2017/05/170527.html
That’s good, Anonymous. Such renders an available force and strategic resource at least squared in power and energy. And with IT and AI in concert with them, is very little more needed to create, command and control an exponentially impossible to divert and pervert invisible and intangible movement.?!
And any and all current systems of operation, whether SCADA or not, are easy prey to its revelations. And that is a constant source of devastating concern to that and those in current presently presumed offices of remote power for there is no viable safe attack vector against such a novel phorm of alternative reality play
28 May 2017 at 12:20

amanfromMars [1705280640] …… expressing a concern and being disagreeable on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/the-real-reason-zuckerberg-supports-a-universal-basic-income/

Great article!….. Roy bean

Great article? You gotta get out/read more, Roy bean.

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