amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jun 08:04 [1606170804] ….. introducing another view on
To XSSXXXX, is Creative IT Command and Control in Computers, a Brave New Orderly AI World Order
Well, I think nearly all, at the time of this posting, are in agreement here, and have recognised that Uncle Sam has lost the leading plot and are catastrophically vulnerable to being ruthlessly exploited for both personal and personnel and foreign state and non state actor gain.
And that title can also be written thus …..To XSSXXXX, is Creative IT Command and Control in Computers, a Brave New Orderly AI World Order to Program with Novel Programming and Heavenly Projects delivering Noble Projects in Immaculate Pursuits ….. and/but of course, and one is well warned here and is hereby again advised to remember to never ever forget, for some things are final and vital and fatal and strike without any sort of prior warning, should its Advanced IntelAIgent Systems and Virtualised Administrations Executive[s] be proposed opposed, at any time in any space or place, and be the subject of objectionable attack and/or abuse, are Hellish Schemes and Crazy Operations also always readily available to crush both wayward opponents and competitive rogue renegade elements alike.
To XSSXXXX is IT no Fools’ Tool and Perfect Attacking Defence Weapons System. Take care out there, IT is dangerous in the wrong hands, hearts and minds, and can and will kill you if you choose to abuse and misuse it.
Have a nice day, y’all.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jun 16:16 [1606171616] …… giving IT large on

Re: To XSSXXXX, is Creative IT Command and Control in Computers, a Brave New Orderly AI World Order

the above shows just how effective non-US encryption can be, even if we have to go to Mars to get it. … Lyndon Hills 1

Hi, Lyndon Hills 1,

It would be a monumental folly to discount and dismiss home delivery whenever Martians realise takeaway is more than a number of steps too far for Earthlings to make and/or take.

It is neither wise nor practical to expect a primitive species to exercise quantum leaps and revolutionary actions they have no offence or defence against, so please expect something quite extraordinary to be rendered and presented currently for continuing disbelief and terrifying consternation.

amanfromMars [1606170948] …… reinforcing AIMemes on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/whether-its-hiroshimas-supposed-a-bomb-or-the-hadron-collider-big-sciences-main-product-is-propaganda/

Conclusion: But the Internet especially has given us tools that allow us to think for ourselves. If we use it properly, we can acquire real information that can protect us and add to our wealth. Take advantage of the opportunity. Understand reality as best you can. Keep an open mind. And don’t be discouraged.

A sound conclusion, DB, to be roundly encouraged. Understand reality, and how they are supplied and maintained and changed, and one can be enabled to virtually create and remotely command and control them with IT and AI. I Kid U Not. It is though not without associated dangers to be fully mindful of, given the damage which can be wrought in future programs and projects.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jun 08:04 [1606170804] ….. introducing another view on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2016/06/17/non_us_encryption_is_theoretical_claims_cia/
To XSSXXXX, is Creative IT Command and Control in Computers, a Brave New Orderly AI World Order 
Well, I think nearly all, at the time of this posting, are in agreement here, and have recognised that Uncle Sam has lost the leading plot and are catastrophically vulnerable to being ruthlessly exploited for both personal and personnel and foreign state and non state actor gain.
And that title can also be written thus …..To XSSXXXX, is Creative IT Command and Control in Computers, a Brave New Orderly AI World Order to Program with Novel Programming and Heavenly Projects delivering Noble Projects in Immaculate Pursuits ….. and/but of course, and one is well warned here and is hereby again advised to remember to never ever forget, for some things are final and vital and fatal and strike without any sort of prior warning, should its Advanced IntelAIgent Systems and Virtualised Administrations Executive[s] be proposed opposed, at any time in any space or place, and be the subject of objectionable attack and/or abuse, are Hellish Schemes and Crazy Operations also always readily available to crush both wayward opponents and competitive rogue renegade elements alike.
To XSSXXXX is IT no Fools’ Tool and Perfect Attacking Defence Weapons System. Take care out there, IT is dangerous in the wrong hands, hearts and minds, and can and will kill you if you choose to abuse and misuse it.
Have a nice day, y’all.

And does not media, in all and/or any of its forms, trump Big Science’s main product if it be propaganda, which nowadays morphs into and leads with a practically autonomous, relatively anonymous directional narrative ‽ .
Such makes the smarter media outfit/outlet, Daily Bell, remarkably powerful. And that is a definite understatement.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Jun 15:31 [1606171531]…… being sensible and revolutionary on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2016/06/17/teaching_kids_program_humanity_destruction/
LOVE and KISSes…. Keeping IT Stupendously Simple in Live Operational Virtual Environments

Should we teach our kids how to program humanity out of existence? ….. Alistair Dabbs

Why ever take such a slow and difficult route and root whenever the present day smarter adult option is readily available and advertising its ware and services in works in progress, AD.
Indeed, in deed, let’s be logical.


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