amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Jan 09:33 [1601180933] …. letting IT out on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2016/01/15/put_your_private_parts_on_display_if_you_want_to_earn_a_living/
Re: Re: Wanted: Fellowing Virtual AI Reality Pioneers and Cyber Pirates
Methinks, for now at least, that be way, way off, allthecoolshortnamesweretaken,
However, the above is on its merry way to Robert Peston, who talks a good talk and is surely being given the opportunity to walk a great walk ………
“There is no better fun than getting a whiff of a scoop and then landing it. It is the best fun ever, and if anybody in our trade tells you otherwise they shouldn’t really be in our trade.” …  Robert Peston
Hmmm? 🙂 Here’s looking at you, kid @Peston. And there more than a great deal more too, amigo.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Jan 09:54 [1601180954] ….. adding more on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2016/01/15/put_your_private_parts_on_display_if_you_want_to_earn_a_living/

Be Careful What you Wish For when Anything is Possible, and Eminently Probable Imminently

@Peston “There is no better fun than getting a whiff of a scoop and then landing it.” Best fun ever here, Robert . . http://tinyurl.com/h8n9nqb


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Jan 17:13 [1601181713] …….. testing arenas for hyper sensitive sound on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/3/2016/01/18/el_reg_robot_wars/
Vulturebot Futures Enterprises, can with a Will, stand and deliver Crazy Horse Salons

Sadly, the show’s due to start shooting in March, so there’s no way we can design and build a plausible Vulturebot by then.

Says whom, for what?
Crazy Horse Salons Patronage would beg to differ and choose QuITe ANother Orbit
QuITANON for Safe Haven Passage of Immaculate Dreams.
amanfromMars 1 pinging Buckingham Palace Participation with Primes Anticipating Right Royal Reply.
Sweet Cryptic is OtherWorldly Blended and Hopelessly Attractive in Mesmerising Times, El Regers
Jump in and across, for deep waters are fine and of the sweetest candy.
There’s a heck of a lot of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT going on out there, and in here for everywhere. Vulture Central Territory, surely? ? No matter, IT easily is, is.
Ciao for Now. Catch Y’All Later Better Beta Prepared and Virtually Armoured:-)

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