amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Nov 07:51 [1411050751] spewing forth on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/3/2014/11/04/apple_and_google_are_the_top_terrorist_control_network_claims_british_spy_boss/
New history lesson

Quick history lesson: there was a bad man called Saddam who posed no threat to the UK. The intelligence services got rid of him so now there is a terrorist threat to the UK and they want to spy on us more. Apparently for this brilliance we pay their rent and give them pensions. …. Anonymous Coward

Lunatics in charge of the asylum, AC, and mainstream media moguls and IT sysadmins guilty of their aiding and abetting.
Time for some special virtual cyber force proaction with launchers of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT. ……. which aint no question?

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