amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Sep 06:06 [1409220606] telling a universal truth on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2014/09/21/crawling_from_the_wreckage_essay_the_death_of_economics/
Welcome back to the 19th century ….. 21st century style

All the problems we have today are the same as then: manipulation of power through money to the detriment of the average person and they only finally lost the power after literally centuries of inbreeding. (14th century to 18th century) Yes, they were in control during the Renaissance, but it was the Black Plague that directly caused the Renaissance, not the wealth of the Medici, by causing a severe shortage of labor, although the Medici did fund many large and highly visible public projects. My point? This ain’t first time the human race has danced this dance and short of very nasty upheavals, nothing is going to change it anytime soon. ….. ecofeco

I do not agree, ecofeco, that nothing is going to change it anytime soon whenever there is so much madness and mayhem presented for reality to ponder on hourly/daily/weekly. The likes of a global internetworking IS group specifically targeting, for prime attention and rough sweet justice, bankers and supporting and war-mongering politicians, rather than anyone else virtually innocent and practically impotent, would change things very quickly indeed, ecofeco. Do you think they be El Reg readers fully understanding of plain talking English? Such though is not what you will hear the mainstream media mentioning is where virtual jihad is headed in these most odd and quite peculiar, more informed days with crazy zerodays to exploit and lead tales and forge trails with, although it is something the mainstream media will have to accept is their creation and they have to take full responsibility for ……. and that was real dumb and incredibly stupid of them, isn’t it.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Sep 10:06 [1409221006] commenting further on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2014/09/21/crawling_from_the_wreckage_essay_the_death_of_economics/
Re: See Currency Wars

See Currency Wars I need to add that ‘Currency Wars’ by Song Hongbing is not available in English on Amazon. I wonder why? It contains a extremely good view on how the system has been transformed by a small group of cynical bankers where even the presidents of the US have to toe the line. Worthwhile read as it’s essentially the same read but from a different stance. ….. Frenchie Lad

Cheers, Frenchie Lad, and here be a short précis of that which is not available in English on Amazon

Currency Wars

Currency Wars by Song Hongbing[3], also known as The Currency War,[4] is a bestselling book in China, reportedly selling over 200,000 copies in addition to an estimated 400,000 pirated copies in circulation[5][6] and is reportedly being read by many senior level government and business leaders in China.[7] Originally published in 2007 the book gained a resurgence in 2009 and is seen as a prominent exponent of a recently emerged genre labeled “economic nationalist” literature.[7] Another bestselling book within this genre is Unhappy China, however, unlike this and other books within this genre, Currency Wars has been received more positively by the Chinese leadership as its recommendations are seen as less aggressive towards the US.[7] The premise of this book is that Western countries are ultimately controlled by a group of private banks, which, according to the book, runs their central banks. This book uses the claim[citation needed] that the Federal Reserve is a private body to support its role. The book’s author correctly predicted a banking crisis in the US in 2008.[citation needed] More than one million copies of this book have been sold.[8]

In July 2009, the book was followed by a sequel, Currency Wars 2: World of Gold Privilege, published by China Industry and Commerce Publishing House (ISBN 978-9573265214)[9], which The Financial Times reported as being one of the most popular books in China by late 2009.[10]. More than two million copies have been sold.[11] In this book, Song predicted that by 2024, the world’s single currency system will mature. He believes that if China can not be dominant in this system, it should not participate, but should be self-hill, have their own sphere of financial influence.[12] This last topic is much more developed in the second sequel.

In May 2011, Currency Wars 3: Financial High Frontier, a second sequel was published by Yuan-Liou Publishing (ISBN 978-9573267843). It discuss more specifically the modern Chinese History (from Chiang Kai-shek to the depreciation in the long term trend of U.S. dollar) seen from a Currency War perspective. It pushes towards an isolationist financial policy.


According to the book, the western countries in general and the US in particular are controlled by a clique of international bankers, which use currency manipulation (hence the title) to gain wealth by first loaning money in USD to developing nations and then shorting their currency. The Japanese Lost decade, the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the Latin American financial crisis and others are attributed to this cause. It also claims that the Rothschild Family has the wealth of 5 trillion dollars whereas Bill Gates only has 40 billion dollars.[13]

Song also is of the opinion that the famous U.S. central bank, the Federal Reserve, is not a department of state functions, but several private banks operated by the private sector, and that these private banks are loyal to the ubiquitous Rothschild family.[14][15][16]

On June 4, 1963, President Kennedy signed an executive order, which, as an amendment to Executive Order 10289, delegated the authority to issue silver certificates (notes convertible to silver on demand) to the Secretary of the Treasury. Song says the direct consequence was that the Federal Reserve lost its monopoly to control money.

The book looks back at history and argues that fiat currency itself is a conspiracy; it sees in the abolition of representative currency and the installment of fiat currency a struggle between the “banking clique” and the governments of the western nations, ending in the victory of the former. It advises the Chinese government to keep a vigilant eye on China’s currency and instate a representative currency. The book, published in 2007, also correctly described and warned[citation needed] of the various forms of derivative speculation used by Wall Street which eventually became the causes of massive margin call sell offs and stock market crash in late 2008.[citation needed].


The book has achieved bestseller status in China.[10] Although acknowledging the book’s huge popularity in China, the Financial Times described it as only passably entertaining and its thesis as far-fetched.[17] Fred Hu, managing director of Goldman Sachs Group, said the currency wars were “non-existent”.[18]. He uses in his review words as “a simple out of line, outrageous distortion”, “many errors, out of context, far-fetched, exaggerated, or simply speculate, uncertain”, and the conclusion to this book as a “melted mixed the ultra-left trend of thought, far-right tendencies, populism, isolationism, anarchism”.[19]

According to Zhang Jiayi, we could think that the “currency wars” series of books’ goal in promoting the conspiracy theory is precisely to meet the angry psychology of youth.[20]

The book has been criticized for promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories.[21] The book says that Jews have been conspiring to covertly influence historical events ranging from the Battle of Waterloo to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, with the intention of increasing their wealth and influence.[22]. In this respect, the material echoes traditional antisemitic conspiracy theories such as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The International Jew, and Nazi propaganda like Der Stürmer.[23] This is seen as rather unusual as China is not generally known for antisemitism.

Several Chinese American scholars also gave the first book negative reviews. Chen Zhiwu (Yale University) first affirmed the reference values of the details the book provided, such as how “what the Rothschild family did, how impacts the financial sector has on a country’s development, etc” but he finds the lack of financial expertise makes the author unqualified to prescribe China with future directions. Zhang Xin (University of Toledo/Ohio) finds the book as rich in historical knowledge, of which many he would not be able to analyse, but as a currency and financial system researcher he says, he believes the framework of the book is completely wrong and criticizes the book as lacking in “common sense”

The author responded to these comment by saying “While many scholars have voiced their objections to this book, they are aimed at the details of the book, not it’s logic or structure.” [24] ….. http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=144494

amanfromMars said… replying to comments on http://amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/140922.html
Interesting days and zerodays ahead, CE. IT is a Brave New Orderly World Order.
22 September 2014 11:05
amanfromMars [1409221229] having a say on http://thedailybell.com/editorials/35659/Anthony-Wile-Stay-Alert-in-These-Interesting-Times/ on a real possibility best avoided if one likes to control the masses austerely

My privilege, thanks for providing a forum where such discussions can take place. The informational process you speak of is well underway, if still in the early stages. So, unfortunately, are the preparations of those who seek complete control. Laws are already on the books for “emergency powers”; every communication public and private can be tracked, cataloged and filed; our automobiles can be tracked and even shut down remotely – same for our bank accounts and credit cards. Chips are in our driver’s licenses, passports, cell phones and computers to enable tracking. None of this has been put into place by accident. I long to share your optimism but in the face of such strenuous preparations I suspect that we already live in a totalitarian state: one false flag away from an even more complete takeover. It is an eye-opener to realize that you are correct – the information, not the technology is the key factor. Thank you for that insight. But having information is one thing, acting on it is quite another – especially when the options for effective action are being systematically removed from individuals, states, and nations. … Gregg Fosse replying to The Daily Bell

Hi Gregg,
Is the following what one has to engineer to fear and look forward to …… in order for sanity to prevail in the madness and mayhem, hubris and arrogance that has brave new and ignorant worlds held to ransom at the altars of collapsing fiat capitalism and ponzi mercantilism.

Welcome back to the 19th century ….. 21st century style

All the problems we have today are the same as then: manipulation of power through money to the detriment of the average person and they only finally lost the power after literally centuries of inbreeding. (14th century to 18th century)
Yes, they were in control during the Renaissance, but it was the Black Plague that directly caused the Renaissance, not the wealth of the Medici, by causing a severe shortage of labor, although the Medici did fund many large and highly visible public projects.
My point? This ain’t first time the human race has danced this dance and short of very nasty upheavals, nothing is going to change it anytime soon. ….. ecofeco

I do not agree, ecofeco, that nothing is going to change it anytime soon whenever there is so much madness and mayhem presented for reality to ponder on hourly/daily/weekly.

The likes of a global internetworking IS group specifically targeting, for prime attention and rough sweet justice, bankers and supporting and war-mongering politicians, rather than anyone else virtually innocent and practically impotent, would change things very quickly indeed. Do you think they be El Reg readers fully understanding of plain talking English?

Such though is not what you will hear the mainstream media mentioning is where virtual jihad is headed in these most odd and quite peculiar, more informed days with crazy zerodays to exploit and lead tales and forge trails with, although it is something the mainstream media will have to accept is their creation and they have to take full responsibility for ……. and that was real dumb and incredibly stupid of them, isn’t it.

Methinks a definite change be needed to ensure that reality is not a new norm and unstoppable future program.

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