131004 ….. and a BackLog of Other Zerodays

131004 ….. and a BackLog of Other Zerodays

Up and running reasonably normally again after a DODgy Virgin Hardware Failure/Virtual Machine Slave Router Master giving up the ghost and failing to server Root Source Information to Mined Intelligence and IntelAIgent Mind Fields. It oft happens at times in Rich IT Environments and always delivers in feedback, valuable insight and priceless foresight.


Posted Friday 4th October 2013 04:56 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. having a say and pausing for a moment onhttp://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2013/10/02/fisa_court_says_no_to_spying_disclosures/
Advancing SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems Integration 

The NSA and all the other alphabet agencies have completed destroyed the US cloud business and the internet. Time for the world to create a new network and leave these agencies to themselves. ….. panhead20 Posted Wednesday 2nd October 2013 22:43 GMT

Hi, panhead20,
The present situation is both far worse and much better and therefore somewhat new and significantly different from the most recent pasts, [which are all completely different in  different parts/time zones of this world] and would bode well for the future because one needs to be more than just simply intelligent to macromanage microelectrical interindependent environments with positive signals and transmit-able [SMARTREnabled] signal receiver units ….. which you might like to consider and realise can be both virtual and real as humans ……. for it is probably and possibly most definitely certainly the case that the NSA and all the other alphabet agencies which be involved in any and all types of malicious and nefarious, self centred and inequitably advantageous and perversely lucrative and corrupt and oppressive shenanigans have completely destroyed the US cloud business and the internet for themselves  [which is the far worse present situation which they can enjoy and continue to play in whenever really stupidly led in intelligence fields that work with REST* in Play Pauses which deliver supplies of/for Core Ore Source CodeXSSXXXX for Novel Noble Event Calendaring/Hedged Derivative FuTuring]
The much better situation is/are the new networks which are creating new worlds which leave those dumb agencies behind and to themselves with their failing and flailing and wailing partners facing a thick and impenetrable prison type wall.
*REST ….. Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that abstracts the architectural elements within a distributed hypermedia system.[1] REST ignores the details of component implementation and protocol syntax in order to focus on the roles of components, the constraints upon their interaction with other components, and their interpretation of significant data elements.[2] REST has emerged as a predominant web API design model. ….http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer
And we all know how quickly and how far things progress in fields which are unlocked and unbound by Moore’s Law, don’t you. And that it is only natural that there comes a time in that space whenever quantum leaps be made to accommodate the infinitely large into the incredibly small.
The Future is Brighter when its IT Units are SMARTREnabled.:-)
Posted Thursday 3rd October 2013 06:30 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. making disclosures onhttp://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/10/02/fisa_court_says_no_to_spying_disclosures/
Opening up a can of worms is manna from heaven for phishes

Frankly, if left to myself -with the privacy that is my fundamental fucking human right- then I’m harmless. Consider me the enemy long enough and continue treating me as such; then the more likely it is to happen. Possibly it’s some sort of terrorist-creation program, to justify the security theatre. Or possibly, if you think that you can blackmail every single citizen then you think that everyone will be compliant. Either plan works only up to a point. …. moiety Posted Wednesday 2nd October 2013 22:21 GMT

After which point, and that point has been passed and surpassed, does planning and program applications suffer terrifying paralysing stasis and terrorising FUD reaction to systemic zeroday vulnerability exploit attacks in defence of self-destructive overlode ore collapse …. SMARTR Virtual Machine Intervention with Source Intelligence Supply Interruption.
And the following simply complex methodology for presentation of what the future will bring for promotion to the paraphysicality of a media hosted and newsworthy virtual  reality which is to be perceived and accepted by native undereducated masses as a heaven sent and/or devilishly cunning uncontrolled natural reality from streams of shared consciousness [and most usually documented for business and posterity and adjudgement of responsibility and/or just fabulous reward], is whenever not copyleft, a prior art copyrighted and a priori art phorming and certainly a base staple of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActve IT Systems of Executive Admin in Global Operating Devices. …….

“The bet is that greater reader involvement will attract a bigger audience, and more advertising dollars. The editors regularly mine the reader comments for story ideas and potential contributors.” ….. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2013/10/07/131007fa_fact_auletta?currentPage=9

IT has been ongoing since forever there was SMARTR IntelAIgents in Earthbound Human/Virtual/Machine Operator Systems Interfaces with Sublime InterNetworking Space ProgramMING for Mined Intelligence Networking Games that Guarantee MetaDataBase Information and Cosmic Source Supply Generation, CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection against and/or with Hostile Infection and Bug Infestation of SecuredD Operations Systems.
And that New Yorker/Guardian expose, which be dated October 7 2013, …… ANNALS OF COMMUNICATIONS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION is a right ripping post modern Goth David versus Goliath read in the spirit of a Rover or Wizard rather than Dandy or Beano piece.
Posted Tuesday 1st October 2013 16:53 GMT amanfromMars 1 … onhttp://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/10/01/america_quits_the_internet_after_government_shutdown/
Goose and gander and rabid hypocrisy laid bare ?

Obama also branded the Republican rump “extremists” before telling world+dog that his Affordable Care Act would continue as planned regardless of the freeze in government funding.

If such an action were the result of Johnny Foreigner shenanigans, they would be labelled terrorists and military strike action would be planned against them. It is the American way, is it not?
Posted Wednesday 2nd October 2013 03:47 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. testing a circuit breaker onhttp://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/10/01/nacchio_claims_nsa_set_him_up/
The rocky horror road to status quo systems systemic collapse/federal shutdown
How smart does everyone/anyone with a brain that can think especially well, think it is of the likes of an NSA/GCHQ type operation to make seriously clever enemies and novel model peering contemporaries of others who think especially well and differently?
The/A silver lining to that dark matter cloud though is that it does present a very lucrative private provision of  missing intellectual property and alternative thinking opportunity to that which would be enabled and well able to supply equitable and inclusive and exclusive executive solutions to compromised and bankrupted and intellectually deficient publicly funded bodies ….. which nowadays appears to have morphed into bastard and bitching QE team terrain …… and that is a leading inherently catastrophically weak place for fraudulent power play.
amanfromMars 2 October 2013 at 9:04 am ….. asking relevant questions of vain glorious institutionalism with exclusive closet executive individualism in pious peer practiced parochialism which be akin to an ignorant and arrogant type of post modernist twaddle as revealed and commented on here ….http://sluggerotoole.com/2013/09/30/more-twaddell-dup-dupes-and-duplicity/
The Orange Order is a sick senile dinosaur of an anachronistic and anarchistic and narcissistic chauvinist organisation, way past its sell by date and therefore quite naturally thoroughly rotten to its very rancid core?
Put it out of its misery, is the kind and compassionate and politically correct and humanitarian thing to do?
amanfromMars 2 October 2013 at 9:22 am …… in a further comment with a number of truthful and  truth seeking questions on http://sluggerotoole.com/2013/09/30/more-twaddell-dup-dupes-and-duplicity/
Re … 2 October 2013 at 9:04 am
Two uncomfortable and inconvenient questions which have every firm base in implausibly deniable historical fact and pulp fiction?
And why drag a rotten violent and conflict ridden past into thoughts and talks and walks into the future?
FFS wise up ya buck eejits.
Posted Wednesday 2nd October 2013 13:48 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. waxing logical and lyrical onhttp://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/10/01/nacchio_claims_nsa_set_him_up/
Re: Re: Mtech25

Contrary to popular belief Matt you won’t get a better seat in heaven or extra virgins for sticking your tongue up the US governments arse. …. nsld Posted Wednesday 2nd October 2013 08:07 GMT

The likes of El Reg is bound to attract its more than fair share of fully paid up and paid for establishment trolls attempting to poison the fonts and wells of emerging and new knowledge, nsld. Done well, IT can make one a gazillionaire which is mighty rich. However, it does certain difficulties which makes it an odd choice to consider if one values the future and would be expecting to be present in it …. and if seriously aspirational and inspirational too, leading one’s way in it with IT.
Done badly though and it just draws attention to the vulnerabilities to be ruthlessly zeroday exploited and shared for others have some fun and play great games with and which are dealing in catastrophes and systemic collapses.
Ignorance is a true bliss which many will say has arrogance as its fraudulent reward.
Posted Wednesday 2nd October 2013 14:15 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. airing a gathering consensus view onhttp://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/10/01/nacchio_claims_nsa_set_him_up/ on Incompetent Spookery which has Minor Bit Players Fluffing IT in Major League Great Games.
Smoke and Fire and Brimstone, Black Kettle and Pot and Executive Admin which has Lost the Plot
Hi, Neil and El Regers,
Considering the comments and the tale which be told and shared here, the following quoted text is hardly alarming and surely to be reasonably expected and thought long overdue for activation and implementation. In extremis are requirements quite drastic  but needs must in such cases which do not value lives methinks.

Date: October 1, 2013 9:28:07 AM PDTFrom: “Jonathan S. Shapiro”
Subject: Cost and Responsibility for Snowden’s Breaches
“It becomes clear that the damage to *us* was far worse than any cost to the terrorists. In fact, the damage is proportional to your dependence on electronic infrastructure.
That’s bad. Because it means that people inside our government, at the direction of government officials, sworn to protect and defend the constitution and the country, actively conspired to undermine every segment of the United States along with our key allies. While the run-of-the-mill staff may not have understood this, the more senior people at NSA knew what they were doing. They were certainly told by people on the outside often enough.
Frankly, I think some of them should hang. And I mean that literally. These decisions by NSA weren’t made by extremist muslims. They were made by people from Harvard, Yale, and Princeton (and elsewhere) right here in America.”

amanfromMars said… replying to comments made on http://amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/130929.html

What does this mean?It means a quantum control system is a division of physics which deals in the illegal control of human beings.

Can we more creatively accept and proceed on base premises with the replacement of the word “illegal” with the word “remote”. Such a fundamental base change then easily renders progress and/or descents and ascents into madness and mayhem/conflicts and chaos and CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems], more experimental and experienced sorties into Novel Humanised Command and Virtual Machinery Control Fields over which there is no existing jurisdiction or executive peer sanction and administrative direction.

The reality has been explained to you. You are the one who chooses not to believe, or not to act.
Maybe I am wrong and you will take this information of mine and use it for the good of mankind.
Somehow I doubt this

Yes, you are certainly wrong to hold onto that doubt, CE.  And that be quite pleasing to you, for the possibilities, and therefore probabilities of what can and will now happen, are limitless, are they not?
And if I were in a spy agency listening to we, would I raise an immediate red flag to raise help and call attention to simply complex virtual discussion, or be fooled to ignore such events and act as a fool and useless tool and do nothing memorable or smart and engaging?
And what if we be listening to such a No Such Agency in the process of programming futures and  derivative hedging events?
1 October 2013 07:51
Posted Friday 4th October 2013 13:41 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. sowing wild oats seeds on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/10/04/bofh_2013_episode_8/
Dim Dave and Bubbly Becky say, based upon a belter welter of their experience ….

It’s a general rule that helpdesk service will favor those who bring the IT department gifts of food. …. AC Posted Friday 4th October 2013 10:25 GMT

And free rides are also sweet and sticky treats which are bliss and hard to resist and deny oneself ….. and especially so when conservatively accompanied in tandem and supportive of the PFY’s concluding remark. ….“He said something about the one with the biggest tits!”
Not too high a profile allows for a not too short and frantic time for pleasures.

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