Posted Saturday 17th August 2013 07:14 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/08/16/bofh_2013_episode_6/
Sow a crazy mad, mad, mad, mad whirlwind ….. and reap CHAOS Reigns with Tempestuous Storms

 Indicate that the suppression is virtual as well, but VERY dangerous (life threatening) …… Herby Posted Friday 16th August 2013 18:16 GMT

And so it is in the real world of the politically incorrect and inept and corrupt, Herby, with new fangled remote control of command and entangling systems of operation with global operating devices for super surreal and sublime and stealthy servering and service of Advanced Intelligence Networking with Future Provision of Present Supplies for Replacement of Failed Past Programming Programs and Pogroms via Regular and Alternative IT and Media Distribution Channels/Waves/Clouds…….. Beta Pathed Ways.
GCHQ Type SkunkWorks in Virtual Realms with Following Functions in Phorms, and easily plausibly denied and disowned, lest extant status quo systems be realised pwnd.

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