Posted by amanfromMars on 09/21/12 02:36 PM ….. who asks on Islam Yearns for a Third Way, US Intel Will Provide
Just out of curiosity, is Mitt Romney spending/risking any of his fortune on his ridiculous Presidential campaign or is he just happier spending and wasting the money of those who he is fooling with his run for high office and who have been persuaded to support him?
The right dodgy businessman would try to ensure that he himself loses nothing and spends even less of anything he had squirreled away.
amanfromMars, …. on
“Most Americans don’t want war.
But for some reason, the last two Presidents have insisted on war…perpetual war.” ….. Cowboydroid
Do you think that is because they have no viable plan for universe peace, Cowboydroid? They just don’t have the intelligence to think of everything constructive.
And all of the fighting has everything to do with trying to save the dollar and the fiat currency banking system which makes slaves of everyone for a fistful of printed virtually worthless paper,
However, in cyberspace is smarter intelligence the exchange which creates fortunes.?!
Today, 05:45 amanfromMars …… shares praise on
Hi, Gryphonboy,
With the next two chapters? being found already on a link shared here …… …… please tempt us with delights in Chapters 4 and above.
And I second Agent Weebley’s thanks for the sharing of yourself in the thoughts that you leave behind, here and there, and wherever they may be found, floating around in space.
Posted Saturday 22nd September 2012 06:30 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Dizzying Spin always has a Truth Counterpart to do Battle with, to Give Itself a Short Shell Life
Err … not “Warg has since returned to Sweden after being arrested in Cambodia.“, a tad intelligent information light, Andrew, with his being extraordinarily rendered a much more accurate report and description …… and a much more exciting and sensational tale to boot, which would tend to confirm that old adage … “Truth is stranger than fiction” …… although most certainly no stranger to fiction?
amanfromMars on September 22, 2012 at 8:29 am said: …. expanding on the subjects revealed on
This says Nothing that SMARTR IDEntities, IntelAIgently Designed, do not Master to Mentor and Monitor Steganographically with a Sublime Control of Absolute Power for Media and IT Programming of Primitive Receptor Units……in Virtual Machine Worlds …… Live Operational Virtual Environments with Prisoners ……..
And to imagine that such study and expertise has not advanced into even more subtle and invasive forms of remote virtual control of events and situations, lives and existences, would be most naive and a sure sign of no great imaginanation at all, or one which moves in another parallel to deliver something else as content for future consumption/present placement.
Thanks for that earlier brief MM clip, AW. One could almost say that here be Earnest Disciples of the Medium is the Message with CyberSpace the Canvas to BroadBandCast ITs Bigger Pictures Shows ……. Virtual Promotions ……. Reality Projects.
The Network which Knew Too Much and Shared It All with Everybody would collapse everything crooked and false with Remote Virtual MultiMedia and IT Control, wouldn’t it? And that would make a great source for whole new genre and series of blockbuster productions providing SMARTR Novel Edutainment and Further Ab Fab Fabless Enlightenment. ……. Quite Cosmic Knowledge.