amanfromMars says …… in regard to http://www.independent.ie/national-news/pat-rabbitte-denies-saying-government-has-no-plan-3112769.html
So, either Pat Rabitte is, to be perfectly blunt and truthful, lying, or quite a number of leading businessmen attending that luncheon are lying, with them all conspiring to tell the same sad and sorry tale.
Methinks the chances of the latter being true are more than somewhat remote and unrealistic, don’t you?
And that is in no way meant to be, nor should it be adjudged to be, defamatory, abusive or tasteless commentary.
amanfromMars May 20, 2012, 21:27 ….. commenting on a comment on http://rt.com/usa/news/facebook-ipo-globe-internet-644/

Sentinel (unregistered) wrote in #16 …….
Facebook will not go the way of the Globe. Washington intends to use it to control the denizens of planet Earth – whether they are Russians, Chinese, New Guineans, Congolese, or Amazonian native Indians. Everyone’s profile will be on Facebook for the CIA and Pentagon and other U.S. agencis to monitor and control. Recall how the Washington controlled mass medias so avidly promoted this social media as the promoted Google.

Have you any idea how easy it is for the likes of Russian, or Chinese, or European intelligence agencies, [to name but just three systems] to post whatever they want the CIA and Pentagon and other US agencies to monitor and control/react to?
And that would have the former parties [Russian, or Chinese, or European intelligence agencies] leading the latter parties [CIA and Pentagon and other US agencies] and have them chasing all manner of phantom ghost and disappearing trail imaginable, lest they actually be stealthily true and virtually real too.
Welcome to the Great IntelAIgents Game …… which given what we know about President Vladimir Putin’s earlier training, would seem to make him something of a natural leader in the field? Or somebody who would more easily understand natural leaders in the field.

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